
Technology Tuesdays: Grockit Answers

You write the questions for any YouTube video and they'll pop up as others watch. $0.00$0.00by Richard D. Solomon, PhD and Elaine C. Solomon Tuesday, April 9, 2013 / 29 Nisan The Technology: Grockit Answers   Quantity

ISRAEL21c: Safed-City of Inspiration and Holiness

$0.00$0.00The mystical, musical, magical city of Safed is an artists’ haven with lots of new places for tourists to explore and spend the night. The windswept city of mystics, sitting 3,200 feet above sea level in the Upper Galilee, endured over 2,000 years through wars, pogroms, epidemics, earthquakes and poverty. Invaded by foreign forces time and again — check out the Citadel, a Crusader fortress built in the 12th century — Safed’s Jewish residents barely survived the 1948 War of Independence, with the help of their wits and the Davidka, a homemade mortar whose bark was worse than its bite. Quantity Printable Lesson:  ISRAEL21c Safed-A City of Inspiration and Holiness.pdf

ISRAEL21c: A Cardboard Bicycle?

$0.00$0.00 Quantity Printable Lesson:  ISRAEL21c A Cardboard Bike.pdf

ISRAEL21c: Israel Shares its Emergency Medical Secrets

$0.00$0.00MDs and RNs from 17 countries come to Haifa to learn how to set up and manage the most efficient systems for saving lives. Jesse Kinyua is a paramilitary officer in charge of medical emergencies in Kenya. He also volunteers on a first-aid squad formed by the Kenya Council of Emergency Medical Technicians after a 1998 terrorist attack. But it wasn’t until a November course at Haifa’s Rambam Health Care Campus (RHCC) that he learned the most critical components of an emergency medical system. Quantity Printable Lesson:  ISRAEL21c Israel Shares its Emergency Medical Secrets.pdf

ISRAEL21c: Extreme Adventurer for Peace and Friendship

$0.00$0.00Israeli Doron Erel, who scaled Mount Everest in 1992, leads multicultural expeditions and inspires others to reach high. This summer, Doron Erel is installing showers, compost toilets and hot tubs in three log cabins in the remote British Columbian wilderness, as several groups of tourists head to his Nuk Tessli outdoor experience. It’s just the latest extreme adventure for Erel, the first Israeli ever to have reached the peak of Mount Everest – a feat he accomplished at age 33 in 1992. Quantity Printable Lesson:  ISRAEL21c Extreme Adventurer and Motivational Speaker.pdf

ISRAEL21c: Where US Vets Come to Heal

$0.00$0.00The pressure sleeve on Harrison Manyoma’s arm relieves the physical wound he received in combat in Iraq. For relief of his emotional wounds, he came to Israel. “I’ve only been here five days so far and I feel at peace,” says Manyoma, a 35-year-old Houston US Army veteran who was injured during a 2004 tour of duty. “I have been able to interact emotionally while at the same release things that have been in my heart and my spirit.” Quantity Printable Lesson:  ISRAEL21c Where US Vets Come to Heal.pdf

ISRAEL21c: Israel Game Developer Teams with Hollywood

$0.00$0.00Here’s some good news for The Hunger Games fans: The books and movies are just a beginning to the adventure. Combining film-quality visuals with interactive storytelling, the Israel-based company Funtactix partners with major Hollywood studios such as Lions Gate, Paramount Pictures, and Warner Bros. to produce video games based on blockbuster movies. In addition to the Hunger Games video game, Funtactix now offers games based on Mission Impossible and Rango. All the games are faithful to their film source material, and are free to play for anyone with a computer and a Facebook account. Quantity Printable Lesson:  ISRAEL21c Israel Game Developer Teams with Hollywood.pdf

ISRAEL21c: Israeli Robots Do it All

$0.00$0.00Open your imagination and you might just find some lifesaving, time saving and entertaining robotics invention that has already been invented in Israel. Many of the advances in this science fiction-inspired field are based on the kind of real-world computer programming and artificial intelligence at which Israeli researchers excel. Robots can aid surgeons in many ways, making delicate procedures safer and more routinely successful. Quantity Printable Lesson:  ISRAEL21c Surgery- Border Patrol- Israeli Robots Do it All.pdf

Israelis Celebrate Lag B'Omer

Students will watch the video and study a text to explore the meaning behind the Lag B’Omer holiday. They will then plan their own Lag B’Omer celebration. $0.00$0.00Out here in Tel Aviv, plenty of Israelis are celebrating the Jewish holiday of Lag B'Omer. This day marks the anniversary of the death of the Jewish sage Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Traditionally, most people come out and light bonfires as a symbol of the impact of Bar Yochai's spiritual teachings. Lag B'Omer has also become a national holiday in Israel, commemorating the 'Bar Kokhba revolt' and victory against the Roman Empire. Quantity Lesson Summary:  Students will understand the historical significance of Lag B’Omer, discuss why Lag B’Omer became a national holiday in Israel today, and plan their own Lag B’Omer celebration. Printable Lesson:  Israelis_Celebrate_Lag_B'Omer.pdf

Technology Tuesdays: Timetoast

Students can easily create interactive historical timelines with text and photos. $0.00$0.00Tuesday, March 19, 2013 / 8 NisanThe Technology: Timetoast Quantity

Technology Tuesdays: If It Were My Home

Compare Israel to any country in the world with this country comparison tool. $0.00$0.00Tuesday, March 12, 2013 / 1 NisanThe Technology: Compare Countries Quantity

Technology Tuesdays: inklewriter

Your students can write and publish their own choose-your-own-adventure-style stories. $0.00$0.00Tuesday, March 5, 2013 / 23 Adar The Technology: inklewriter Quantity

ISRAEL21c: Caesarea-Israel's Modern Ancient Resort City

$0.00$0.00Once the most important port city in Roman Palestine, today Caesarea offers a mix of Mediterranean sports and intriguing antiquities. Way back in Roman times, chariot racing was a box-office hit in the Mediterranean town of Caesarea. While that particular pastime isn’t drawing crowds anymore, it set the tone for millennia later, when Caesarea is still one of Israel’s premier leisure spots. Quantity Printable Lesson:  Caesarea the Modern Ancient City.pdf

ISRAEL21c: Bringing the Environment to Israel's Ultra-Orthodox

$0.00$0.00While environmental activism has largely bypassed Israel’s ultra-Orthodox sector, one rabbi is seeking to turn the tide. While awareness of the importance of protecting and nurturing the environment is on the rise in Israel, recognition of the significance of this issue has largely bypassed the insular ultra-Orthodox (or haredi) communities, says Rabbi Yehuda Gannot, whose organization, Haredim L’Sviva (Haredim for the Environment), aims to educate and raise consciousness about environmental issues in this sector of the population. Quantity Printable Lesson:  Bringing environment to Ultra Orthodox.pdf

ISRAEL21c: IDUD-A Successful Approach to ADHD

$0.00$0.00Thanks to an educational program initiated by an American immigrant, the outlook is brighter for scores of Jewish and Arab Israeli children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a common neurological condition causing inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. Quantity Printable Lesson:  Idud lesson.pdf

ISRAEL21c: Building Future Engineers with Legos

$0.00$0.0026-year-old Israeli is teaching children advanced skills through guided play with toy building bricks. Now he’s been named entrepreneur of the year by an international organization. Lego bricks provide the basis of Amir Asor’s award-winning startup business. Sometimes the best ideas are born of misfortune. Quantity Printable Lesson:  Building Future Engineers with Lego.pdf

ISRAEL21c: Israel Helps South Sudan

$0.00$0.00Israel is planning to build a model agricultural village in the new nation of South Sudan, aimed at teaching local farmers how Israel’s breakthrough agricultural methods and technologies can help the fledgling African nation survive and thrive. The idea took shape when Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon got to talking with South Sudan’s Minister of Agriculture, Betty Ogwaro, at the Agritech 2012 expo in Tel Aviv last May. Quantity Printable Lesson:  Israel Helps South Sudan.pdf

ISRAEL21c: Israel Brings a Cold Sport to a Hot Country

$0.00$0.00Toronto it’s not, but Metulla’s Canada Centre provides a cool venue for immigrant and native Israelis thirsting for fast-paced fun on the ice. A mere kilometer from the Lebanese border, Israel’s only permanent regulation-size ice rink draws hockey players of all ages from throughout the country. It’s not a sport normally associated with the Middle East, but for Israel’s many Russian and Canadian immigrants, ice hockey is part of their culture. And they’re willing to drive for hours to maintain it. Quantity Printable Lesson:  Israel Brings a Cold Sport to a Hot Country2.pdf

ISRAEL21c: U.S. Athletes Train with Israeli Software

$0.00$0.00Fighter pilots and team-sports players have more in common than a uniform, a taste for danger and a thirst for victory. Both can be trained to perform better by using brain-training software developed in Israel. Basketball and hockey players, from professionals to pee-wees, are getting significant results from IntelliGym products made by Applied Cognitive Engineering (ACE), headquartered in Hod Hasharon. Quantity Lesson Summary:  Students will explore Jewish texts that discuss the ethics of competition. Printable Lesson:  ACE Intelligym.pdf

Dov Lipman: An American Rabbi in Israel's Knesset

MK Rabbi Dov Lipman, the first American-born Jew to be elected to Israel's Knesset in 30 years, talks with Babaganewz about the current conflict between observant and secular Jews in Israel. $0.00$0.00The rock that bruised Rabbi Dov Lipman's leg nearly a decade ago also went straight to his heart.   Quantity Lesson Summary:  The interview with MK Rabbi Dov Lipman discusses the current conflict between observant and secular Jews in Israel. This lesson plan uses a graphic organizer and discussion to help students understand why treating others with respect and dignity is a Jewish value. Students will then create symbolic reminders of this value. Printable Lesson:  Lesson Plan

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