
Courage PDF

$0.00$0.00Use the values PDFs as posters to decorate the classroom or as handouts to introduce or conclude a classroom lesson. Each values PDF includes the name of the value in English, Hebrew, and transliteration; a graphic and explanation of the meaning of the value; and two Jewish texts in English and Hebrew. Use the "Values" search bar to find values PDFs for additional Jewish values. Quantity

Community PDF

$0.00$0.00Use the values PDFs as posters to decorate the classroom or as handouts to introduce or conclude a classroom lesson. Each values PDF includes the name of the value in English, Hebrew, and transliteration; a graphic and explanation of the meaning of the value; and two Jewish texts in English and Hebrew. Use the "Values" search bar to find values PDFs for additional Jewish values. Quantity

Cherishing the Elderly PDF

$0.00$0.00Use the values PDFs as posters to decorate the classroom or as handouts to introduce or conclude a classroom lesson. Each values PDF includes the name of the value in English, Hebrew, and transliteration; a graphic and explanation of the meaning of the value; and two Jewish texts in English and Hebrew. Use the "Values" search bar to find values PDFs for additional Jewish values. Quantity

Chain of Tradition PDF

Use the values PDFs as posters to decorate the classroom or as handouts to introduce or conclude a classroom lesson. Each values PDF includes the name of the value in English, Hebrew, and transliteration; a graphic and explanation of the meaning of the value. $0.00$0.00Use the values PDFs as posters to decorate the classroom or as handouts to introduce or conclude a classroom lesson. Each values PDF includes the name of the value in English, Hebrew, and transliteration; a graphic and explanation of the meaning of the value; and two Jewish texts in English and Hebrew. Use the "Values" search bar to find values PDFs for additional Jewish values. Quantity

Celebrate Jerusalem PDF

$0.00$0.00Use the values PDFs as posters to decorate the classroom or as handouts to introduce or conclude a classroom lesson. Each values PDF includes the name of the value in English, Hebrew, and transliteration; a graphic and explanation of the meaning of the value; and two Jewish texts in English and Hebrew. Use the "Values" search bar to find values PDFs for additional Jewish values. Quantity

Avoiding Waste PDF

$0.00$0.00Use the values PDFs as posters to decorate the classroom or as handouts to introduce or conclude a classroom lesson. Each values PDF includes the name of the value in English, Hebrew, and transliteration; a graphic and explanation of the meaning of the value; and two Jewish texts in English and Hebrew. Use the "Values" search bar to find values PDFs for additional Jewish values. Quantity

Appreciation PDF

$0.00$0.00Use the values PDFs as posters to decorate the classroom or as handouts to introduce or conclude a classroom lesson. Each values PDF includes the name of the value in English, Hebrew, and transliteration; a graphic and explanation of the meaning of the value; and two Jewish texts in English and Hebrew. Use the "Values" search bar to find values PDFs for additional Jewish values. Quantity

Kol Nidrei: Keeping One's Word

Students will understand that a promise is a responsibility to be taken seriously, will be able to explain the main message of the Kol Nidrei declaration, and will reflect on the differences between making and breaking a promise to oneself and to someone else. $0.00$0.00This lesson introduces students to Kol Nidrei, the opening declaration of Yom Kippur. It explores the idea of making promises or vows to oneself and others, and the importance of keeping one’s word. Quantity Printable Lesson:  Kol Nidrei Lesson Plan and Worksheets

Miketz: Self-Esteem

The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Miketz teaches the importance of self-esteem and feeling confident about our abilities. $0.00$0.00The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Miketz teaches the importance of self-esteem and feeling confident about our abilities. Quantity

Vayishlach: Being Content with What you Have

The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Vayishlach teaches us appreciation for what we have instead of greediness for what we don't. $0.00$0.00The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Vayishlach teaches us appreciation for what we have instead of greediness for what we don't. Quantity

Toldot: Waiting for the Cookie to Cool

The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Toldot teaches us the rewards of patience and delayed gratification. $0.00$0.00The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Toldot teaches us the rewards of patience and delayed gratification. Quantity

Noah: How Hard to Discipline

The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Noah teaches us to be careful when we discipline our children by weighing options before we resort to extremes. $0.00$0.00The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Noah teaches us to be careful when we discipline our children by weighing options before we resort to extremes. Quantity

Va-Yigash: Speaking Softly

The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. In Vayigash, we learn the power of speaking softly, rather than expressing ourselves through uncontrolled emotion. $0.00$0.00The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. In Vayigash, we learn the power of speaking softly, rather than expressing ourselves through uncontrolled emotion. Quantity

Va-Yeshev: The Light at the End of the Tunnel

The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Va-Yeshev teaches the importance of finding the positives in a bad situation and being patient for change. $0.00$0.00The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Va-Yeshev teaches the importance of finding the positives in a bad situation and being patient for change. Quantity

Vayeitze: Dealing with Dishonesty

The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Vayeitze teaches us how to confront dishonesty and reveal the truth. $0.00$0.00The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Vayeitze teaches us how to confront dishonesty and reveal the truth. Quantity

Chayei Sarah: Honoring Parents

The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Chayei Sarah teaches us the importance of honoring our parents. $0.00$0.00The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Chayei Sarah teaches us the importance of honoring our parents. Quantity

Lech-Lecha: "The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side"

The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Lech Lecha teaches us about the consequences of jealousy and the pain it can cause. $0.00$0.00The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Lech Lecha teaches us about the consequences of jealousy and the pain it can cause. Quantity

Bereshit: Sibling Rivalry

The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Bereshit teaches us the importance of maintaining lifelong relationships with siblings. $0.00$0.00The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Bereshit teaches us the importance of maintaining lifelong relationships with siblings. Quantity

Ha'azinu: Facing our Personal Monsters

The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Ha'azinu teaches us to remember our strengths when confronted by fear. $0.00$0.00The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Parshat Ha'azinu teaches us to remember our strengths when confronted by fear. Quantity

Ki Tavo: Does Gratitude Come Naturally

The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Ki Tavo teaches us the importance of expressing gratitude for the blessings in our lives. $0.00$0.00The lessons of the Torah can guide our actions and choices. Torah Topics for Today brings those lessons into the family and initiate discussions about our values and ethics. Ki Tavo teaches us the importance of expressing gratitude for the blessings in our lives. Quantity

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Let's Discover Israel

Offer younger children an exciting and age-appropriate introduction to the Jewish homeland