
Shop Until You Drop...Not!

Read about how some people stay home the day after Thanksgiving instead of hitting the stores early, bringing awareness to over-consumption. $0.00$0.00Hate to shop? Now you have a good excuse to stay home when your mom goes to the store! The day after Thanksgiving is Buy Nothing Day. On the busiest shopping day of the year, over one million people will stay home in order to bring attention to the consequences of buying more than we need. According to promoters of Buy Nothing Day, Americans consume far more than half of the Earth's resources and produce most of the toxic waste.

Jeff Halpern

In this interview with Jeff Halpern, an NHL star, discusses his sense of satisfaction in his job, appreciation for his skill, gratitude to those who helped him develop himself and his talent, and recognition of his desire to work in his community. The accompanying lesson will help students explore similar themes and, through writing and acting, help them define their own sense of personal satisfaction. $0.00$0.00Considered the top defensive player on the Washington Capitals, Jeff Halpern works out all summer to Improve his strength and conditioning. His hard work and selfless attitude have earned him his teammates' respect. "When you eat the labor of your hands, happy will you be and all will be well with you." Psalms 128:2 Printable Lesson:  3203lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Can Animals Be Friends? A BabagaNewz Face-Off

Are animals truly capable of caring about each other, or are all of their actions motivated by desire to survive? $0.00$0.00Consider this:Every day for weeks, a cat at the Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem would walk over to the monkey cage and stand close enough so that the ape could reach out and stroke it. One day, the ape grabbed the cat and lifted it into the cage. Why? It wanted to snuggle. What do you think?Do animals experience emotions like friendship and loyalty? Read the following opinions and then join the debate online at "...the wolf shall dwell with the lamb; the leopard lie down with the kid." Isaiah 11:6 Printable Lesson:  2205lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  An alphabetical listing, short explanation, and a drawing of each animal in the Torah Inspirational stories, resources, and other ideas from The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation

The Chemistry of Champions

Respect and friendship is the key to success on a sports team, according to the NBA stars. $0.00$0.00The NBA season tips off on October 30 with lots of new looks, including rule changes that allow zone defenses and a record-breaking crop of players straight out of high school.

Stem Cell Research: A Question of Life and Death

Stem cell research is one of the more controversial science issues of our times. In Jewish thought, it raises the conflict between dooing all that is possible to save a life, and preserving life. What are some of the Jewish sources that address these issues? $0.00$0.00A QUESTION OF LIFE AND DEATH Printable Lesson:  2201lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

The Magic of Friendship

Believe it or not, Harry, Hermione, and Ron teach us an important Jewish lesson about friendship. From the book of Ruth, to Maimonides, to Harry Potter, learn Jewish views of friendship and think about how to improve relationships with friends and family. $0.00$0.00On November 16th, the movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone will open in theaters across the country. When the Hogwart's Express leaves King's Cross Station, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, three kids at the world's best school of wizardry, enter a world of headless ghosts, evil villains, and special friends. The mischievous Harry and Ron become friends instantly, but Hermione is just know... stuck-up. Until... "There is no treasure like friends." Solomon Ibn Gabirol, 11th century Spanish poet and philosopher Printable Lesson:  2203lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  2203sources.pdf


In this lesson, students will examine the Jewish view on IMing, the benefits and liabilities attached to IMing, and other types of "faceless" communication. $0.00$0.00If your parents get upset because you spend too much time IMing your friends, you're not alone. Michelle Hamburg, a sophomore at Solomon Schechter High School in Manhattan, spends about four hours a week chatting online. "I love chatting because you can talk to more than one friend at a time," says Michelle. Her mom doesn't share the excitement. "Spending hours chatting online may be part of being a teenager," she scolds, "but it makes it even more difficult to pull the family together." "Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24 Printable Lesson:  2206lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Lyrics to Mi Hoish by Shalshelet in Hebrew and English Additional Resources:  Writing/Researching Acceptable Use Policies: An organization that provides resources, information, and support for campaigns about the power of words: Activities for Students Mi Hoish on the jPod

It's a Girl Thing

Monthly meetings for girls though an organization called Rosh Hodesh: It's a Girl Thing lets teenagers talk about issues important to them. To learn more, read on! $0.00$0.00According to tradition, God gave Rosh Hodesh (the first day of each Hebrew month, which begins on the new moon) to women as a special holiday because they refused to help build the Golden Calf. Now, through an organization called Rosh Hodesh: It's a Girl Thing, groups of girls are meeting every month in Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, and Baltimore to celebrate together.

Royal Showdown at Ein Gedi

While admiring the beauty of Ein Gedi, we remember the story of King David hiding there, his friendship with Jonathan, and his need to keep his location a secret from King Saul.  We'll also think about firendship, and when keeping a secret can help a friendship and when it can hurt it. $0.00$0.00The sun beats down on the Judean desert and punishes anyone who wanders here unprepared. Poisonous snakes, hyenas, wolves, and leopards prowl the area at night. The Judean wilderness is unforgiving. And yet, in the middle of it, the rugged cliffs and barren rocks open into a lush oasis with plunging waterfalls. Welcome to Ein Gedi, BABAGANEWZ! For more than 5,000 years, Ein Gedi has attracted individuals seeking a safe place to hide. It also has been a home to communities looking for a far-away retreat where friendship and companionship could flourish. "My beloved friend to me is as a cluster of henna in the vinyards of Ein Gedi." Song of Songs 1:14 Printable Lesson:  2207lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet 22vocab.pdf Additional Resources:  Geography and history of Ein Gedi: Synagogue and bathhouse at Ein Gedi: The synagogue inscription:                               

Jake Repp: At the Starting Line Again

In the Jake Repp story, a young man deals with and overcomes obstacles. In this lesson, students will study about how faith in God can help them confront difficult times. $0.00$0.00Jake faced a terrible crisis and a moment of decision, but he started a new life and is helping others do the same. When he was sixteen years old, Jake Repp thought he had fractured his ankle during a basketball game. When he went to the doctor, he received devastating news that would change his life forever: Jake had a very rare form of cancer. If the doctors didn't amputate his leg below the knee, he would die. "Be bold as the leopard, swift as the eagle, swift as the deer, mighty as the lion, to perform God's will" Pirke Avot 5:23 Printable Lesson:  1201lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Lights, Camera, ACT!

Get your students in the High Holiday spirit with this article which draws parallels between repentance and acting. In the accompanying lesson, your students will perform improvisational sketches and study traditional sources to examine how acting can transform their behavior. $0.00$0.00Make-up and special effects may help actors look the part on the outside, but big stars know they must transform themselves on the inside to be believable. Jim Carrey (Ace Ventura), Haley Joel Osment (Artificial Intelligence) and Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) offer some fascinating tips on how to change yourself this High Holy Day season. "Great is teshuvah, for it brings healing to the world" Talmud, Berakhot 32B Printable Lesson:  1206lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Sources

Hallie Kate Eisenberg

Check out this interview with  Hallie Kate Eisenberg.  Use this interview as a springboard to a lesson on the Jewish attitude towards hard work. $0.00$0.00When Hallie Kate Eisenberg opens her mouth in front of a TV or movie camera, we're never sure what's going to come out. 'Sumtimes it's da voice of a gangsta thug upset cuz she ain't got no Pepsi,' and sometimes it's tons of cake that was stuffed in her mouth during a powerful scene from her performance as Helen Keller in ABC's remake of the movie The Miracle Worker. At the age of nine, Hallie has already had the sort of career most actresses only dream about. "...if someone says, 'I have worked hard and I have achieved,' you may believe that person." Talmud, Megillah 6A Printable Lesson:  1202lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

The Great Bedroom Transformation

Want to give your room a snazzy new look? Check out our tips on do-it-yourself redecorating!  Transforming personal space gives a great sense of renewal--just the right activity for Rosh Hashanah.The lesson plan emphasizes the possibility of positive change and using the Yamim Noraim to spiritually "clean house."  It also gives an oppoetunity to discuss how a mezuzah sanctifies a space. $0.00$0.00STOP! KEEP OUT! NO TRESPASSING! You might be tempted to post signs like these on your bedroom door. After all, your room is probably the only place in your house where you can hang out- or hide out- undisturbed. Marta Mozes, a 14-year-old student at the Akiba Hebrew Academy in Philadelphia, calls her bedroom a "home away from home." Her private habitat is a place where she can do her homework, talk on the phone, watch TV and just be herself. "Lay us down to sleep in peace...and awaken us to life." Hashkivenu, Mariv Service Printable Lesson:  1203lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Making a New Home in an Ancient Land

This article profiles Michael and Ruchama, who left their lives in North America to start anew in Israel, learning Hebrew, making new friends, and participating in the Jewish life everywhere around them. In the accompanying lesson, students will “timeline” the stages of a “move” and study both a biblical and a classical rabbinic text to distinguish aliyah (immigration to Israel) from other kinds of moves. $0.00$0.002,870 years after King David ruled over the first Jewish state, 790 years after 300 rabbis from England and France journeyed to eretz yisrael (the land of Israel) to live, 224 years after the students of the Baal Shem Tov (the founder of Hasidism) immigrated to Israel, 84 years after the British recognized the Jewish people's right to a homeland in the land of Israel, and 53 years after the State of Israel declared its independence, Michael Israel and Ruchama Benarroch became a part of Jewish h "The ingathering of people to Israel is as important as the day when heaven and earth were created." Talmud, Berakhot 32b Printable Lesson:  1207lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet (printable)

Avital Sharansky

The reunion of Avital and Natan Sharansky brought the promise of a free life in Jerusalem. $0.00$0.00Avital Sharansky's short, nervous breaths formed clouds of smoke in the frigid German air. She had not seen her husband, Anatoly, since shortly after their wedding 12 years ago, and within minutes, he would cross the frozen Glienicker Bridge to freedom-and to her.

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Let's Discover Israel

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