
Capillary Action

This article takes a look at how candles burn. In this lesson, students experiment withcapillary action and explore Shabbat candles as a metaphor for spiritual experiences on Shabbat. $0.00$0.00LIGHTEN UP * Some candles are made from wax secreted by bees for their honeycombs. * In outer space, a candle flame burns in a dim, blue sphere instead of a bright, teardrop shape. * Americans spend $2 billion on candles each year. UP IN FLAMES Have you ever heard anyone squeal, "It's time to light the Shabbat wicks"? No. Candles get all the glory, wicks do all the work. "For a commandment is the lamp and the Torah is light." Proverbs 6:23 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students experiment with capillary action and explore Shabbat candles as a metaphor for spiritual experiences on Shabbat. Printable Lesson:  4507lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

We Can Bring Two Worlds Together

Talk about this group of secular and religious Israeli teens with your students and how they learned that they're not as different from each other as they thought. The article relates the story of a small group of religious and secular Israeli teens collecting books for impoverished children who learn about each other, tolerance, and understanding in the process. In the accompanying lesson, students will practice active listening and will plan an inclusive Shabbat activity that shows respect for different types of Shabbat celebration. $0.00$0.00Hatikvah is a poverty-stricken neighborhood in Tel Aviv. Its streets are littered with garbage and its apartments scarred by neglect. Inside a tiny room here last summer, a small group of religious teens and an equally small group of their non-religious peers tore down corrosive walls. Their sweat, however, had nothing to do with construction. The walls they shattered were divisive stereotypes separating the dati (religiously observant) and hiloni (non-religious) communities since the birth of the Jewish state. "All of Israel are friends." Blessing for the New Month Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will practice active listening and will plan an inclusive Shabbat activity that shows respect for different types of Shabbat celebration. Printable Lesson:  4508lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Shabbat Activity Planner

Suzyn Waldman: Telling It Like It Is

This interview with Suzyn Waldman, the first woman color commentator in the MLB and the accompanying lesson will lead students to discuss the value of truth through a Jewish lens so that they understand how truth-telling and deceit allow society to function in different ways. $0.00$0.00  Suzyn Waldman knows the New York Yankees. She understands that pitcher Mike Mussina appreciates his pre-game routine. She realizes that shortstop Derek Jeter feels like a fool when he strikes out swinging wildly at a knuckleball. She recognizes when third baseman Alex Rodriguez gets away with a base-running mistake. Suzyn knows her stuff--and that's why people listen to her. "Cry out, do not restrain yourself: Raise your voice like a trumpet." Isaiah 58:1 Lesson Summary:  Students will experience first-hand the advantages of truth and the disadvantages of deceit and lying. Students will also study Jewish texts to discover just how fundamental truth is to Judaism and to keeping society functioning properly. Printable Lesson:  4604lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Questions Sheet Source Sheet

Micah Golshirazian: The Little Leaguer Who Rested

Read about a Little Leage player who sat out part of his World Series game in honor of Shabbat. Reading this article with your students can be the introduction to a discussion on  how Shabbat is not only a special, holy time, but it is also an important time for rest and renewal. In the  lesson which accompanies the article students will create an interactive “machine” to explore ways they can sanctify Shabbat and make it more relaxing. $0.00$0.00Seventy-two hundred baseball fans at the U.S. Championships of the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, squirm on the edge of their seats as twilight fades and shadows lengthen on the field. Millions more watch the game on television, nervously eyeing the countdown clock in the corner of their screens as it ticks away the minutes and seconds until darkness. It's as if the entire sports world has turned to watch the sun complete its journey across the sky. You see, the countdown clock ticks away the minutes until Shabbat ends. "The nation that sanctifies the seventh day - they will all be satisfied and delighted in your goodness." Shabbat Amidah Lesson Summary:  Students will create a distinction between how they feel physically and mentally during the week and on Shabbat. Students will explore ways to help sanctify Shabbat and make it more relaxing. Printable Lesson:  4502lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  Little League Online: http://www.littleleague.org

Two Sides of the Story

This story will help your students to realize that  our understanding of what is true requires consideringall perspectives before drawing a conclusion.In the accompanying lesson,students will evaluate a situation from various perspectives to learn the valueof judging favorably and recognizing that the truth in a situation is not alwaysimmediately obvious.   . $0.00$0.00  One Side of the Story As the band played, my cousin David teetered precariously on a synagogue chair lifted high above the happy, proud faces of his bar mitzvah guests. "Judge everyone favorably." Pirkei Avot 1:6 Lesson Summary:  Students will evaluate a situation from various perspectives to learn the value of dan l’khaf z’khut (judging favorably) and recognizing that the truth in a situation is not always immediately obvious. Printable Lesson:  4608lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Stopping Genocide in Sudan

What should be the Jewish response to atrocity? The article on Darfur allows students to consider methods of raising awareness of others' suffering and why they should not stand by. $0.00$0.00  Lesson Summary:  The lesson helps students understand why we as Jews should show concern for the situation in Sudan and encourages them to explore ways in which they can speak out and raise awareness about the plight of the Sudanese farmers. Printable Lesson:  4501lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Map of Sudan Additional Resources:  American Jewish World Service: http://www.ajws.org Jews' moral obligation to help: http://www.aish.com/societyWork/society/Darfur_Never_Again$.asp

Camryn Manheim: A Shining Star

In this interview, actress Camryn Manheim discusses the role that Jewish values have played in developing her self-esteem and helping her realize the difference between inner and outer beauty. Reading the article with your students and doing the accompanying lesson  will help them to `1understand how being good people and doing good deeds makes us all more beautiful. $0.00$0.00  Blinding camera lights flashed as Jewish actress Camryn Manheim stepped out of the white stretch limo and strode down the red carpet into Los Angeles' Shrine Auditorium. After years of being told by acting professors that she needed to lose weight to succeed, the actress was nominated for an Emmy for her role as outspoken lawyer Ellenor Frutt on TV's "The Practice." "Do not look at the container, rather at what is inside of it." Pirkei Avot 4:27 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will write diamond poems to explore the concept of beauty and help them understand that being good people and doing good deeds make us all more beautiful. Printable Lesson:  3504lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Diamond Poem Worksheet Printable Photos

Plastic Perfection

Cosmetic surgery and procedures are growing ever more popular in America. Is it appropriate in Jewish thought?  Discussion of texts and values will highlight the subjective nature of beauty. $0.00$0.00  Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students explore Jewish values and concepts relevant to the debate and discuss the subjective nature of beauty and ugliness. Printable Lesson:  3501lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Printable Organizer List of Jewish values and concepts

Kfi Covel's Jewish Palette

Read about a young Jewish artist's inspiration. In the accompanying  lesson, your students will create micrographical works to connect beauty to Jewish values. $0.00$0.00  Hebrew rap music and Tehillim (Psalms) inspire Kfirah Covel, an 18-year-old artist whose nickname is "Kfi" (pronounced "Kiffy"). She often sits on her bed, leans against the headbord, rests an art board on her knees, and draws. "Art is an amazing way to express myself," she says, "and creating beautiful Jewish art makes me proud because Judaism is part of who I am." "This is my God, and I will glorify God!" Shemot 15:2 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will create a work of micrography to help connect beauty to Jewish values. Printable Lesson:  3502lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Template for art project Additional Resources:  “Folk Art” on MyJewishLearning.com: http://www.myjewishlearning.com/culture/Art/TO_ArtOverview/JewishFolkArt.htm Activities for Students Article in Hebrew

Art with a Heart

Read about the Hiddur Mitzvah Project, which aids Jewish communities in need around the world. In the lesson, students will practice active listening and will plan an inclusive Shabbat activity.  $0.00$0.00  In a synagogue in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 30 tables are set for Shabbat dinner. Although the meal is simple--a few ounces of chicken, a spoonful of rice, and a leafy vegetable--the promise of free food attracts hundreds of hungry people, including some who are not Jewish. Jerry Tanenbaum, a Jewish communal leader visiting from the United States, has just sat down to eat when he notices something odd: instead of eating, the congregants who prepared and served the meal are milling around, near the back wall. "God is my strength and my song; God has become my deliverance. This is my God, and I will glorify God." Shemot 15:2 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will practice active listening and will plan an inclusive Shabbat activity that shows respect for different types of Shabbat celebration. Printable Lesson:  4509lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Hiddur Mitzvah Project Proposal Form Additional Resources:  Source Sheet (printable) Hiddur Mitzvah Project Proposal form (printable) Additional Resources Hiddur Mitzvah Project: http://www.hiddurmitzvah.org Poetry and Jewish Prayer: A Handbook for Teachers by Cathleen Cohen

Fibonacci Sequence

This article introduces the Fibonacci Sequence, a series of numbers in which each successive number is calculated from the sum of the previous two. In this lesson, students will experiment with the Fibonacci Sequence and study texts about God’s role as the Architect of the world. $0.00$0.00Count Down * Daisies can have 34, 55, or 89 petals. * Each twist of the DNA double helix is 34 angstroms long by 21 angstroms wide. * The human hand has 5 fingers, with 3 parts and 2 knuckles each. Common Denominator "But in earth's common things, You [God] stand revealed. Grass and flowers and stars spell out your name." Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will explore the Fibonacci Sequence in some hands-on experiments and study texts about God’s role as the Architect of the world. Printable Lesson:  3507lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Fibonacci Worksheet Additional Resources:  Ron Knott's Surrey University multimedia web site on the Fibonacci numbers: http://www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Fibonacci ( Be sure to check out the “Easier Fibonacci Puzzles.”) World Mysteries - Fibonacci Numbers in Nature: http://www.world-mysteries.com/sci_17.htm Fibonacci in music: http://techcenter.davidson.k12.nc.us/Group2/music.htm Fibonacci Numbers and The Golden Section in Art, Architecture and Music: http://www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibInArt.html Fascinating Fibonaccis: Mystery and Magic in Numbers by Trudi Hammel Garland (Dale Seymour Publications, 1987) Fibonacci Fun: Fascinating Activities With Intriguing Numbers by Trudi Hammel Garland (Dale Seymour Publications, 1998)

Legendary Leaders

Popular movie heroes help students understand theleadership styles of five Biblical figures in this article.In the accompanying lesson, students will play a matching game to compare these characters,study Jewish texts, and examine the qualities of a good leader. $0.00$0.00  Where would Harry Potter and Hermione Granger be without Albus Dumbledore, the mysterious headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in J.K. Rowling's imaginary world of wizards and muggles? Rowling has created a fictional character who lovingly leads young wizards into the mysterious world of magic, cautioning them to use their new skills for good and not evil. "The true leader must be saintly." Rabbi Nahman of Bratzlav Lesson Summary:  Students will play a matching game to compare these leaders, study Jewish texts, and examine the qualities of a good leader. Printable Lesson:  Lesson Plan Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Character cards, envelope labels and Jewish texts

Pole and Mouse

Read this story about  a young man who  is forced to accept a position of leadership eventhough he thinks poorly of himself and of his appointed deputy. By the end of the story, the two have become friends and learned about what it means to be a leader. In the accompanying lesson, engage your students  in a drama activity to explore the concept of leadership and consider the leadership potential of those who are not naturally leaders. $0.00$0.00  To look at me, you'd never guess I'm the victim of a stereotype. I'm 14--and six foot one. My friends are jealous, girls have started to hang around, and everyone thinks I'm a spectacular basketball player. Which I'm not. Still, I'm running out of excuses about why I'm too busy to try out for the school team. All year round, it's compete, compete, compete. But the people who run the Jewish camp I go to every summer have a zero-tolerance approach. We're not even allowed to say "Kill him" on the field. Lesson Summary:  Students will engage in a drama activity to explore the concept of leadership and consider the leadership potential of those who are not naturally leaders. Printable Lesson:  Lesson Plan Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Bush and Kerry Face Off

Learn about the debate on outsourcing labor. In the lesson, students will learn about the issues involved, explore relevant Jewish values, and judge the different sides of the debate. $0.00$0.00The man with whom you're speaking on the telephone sits in an office in New Delhi, India. He politely explains, for the third time, why your new computer crashes every time you save your history assignment. Unaccustomed to his thick Indian accent, you tightly press the receiver to your ear, but his explanation remains indistinct. Frustrated, you thank him, hang up, and ask yourself, "Why can't my computer company hire Americans, whom I can understand?" Lesson Summary:  Students will learn about the issues involved, explore relevant Jewish values, and judge the different sides of the debate. Printable Lesson:  2501lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Case Study Worksheet Additional Resources:  Follow-up story on Dell opening new plant in U.S.: http://www.usatoday.com/tech/techinvestor/corporatenews/2004-11-09-dell_x.htm Transcript of John Kerry's February 10, 2004 speech in Fairfax , VA: http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/02/10/elec04.prez.transcript.kerry Economic Report of the President--2004: Economic Report: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/eop George W. Bush: http://www.georgewbush.com John Kerry: http://www.johnkerry.com Business Ethics Center of Jerusalem : http://www.besr.org

Linda Lingle: Head of State

Linda Lingle, who was Hawaii’s governor, talks about how Jewish values help make her a better leader. In this lesson, students will discuss important Jewish values that leaders should possess, look for examples of these values in the lives of  presidential candidates and Biblical figures, and deliver campaign speeches to the class demonstrating how these important leadership qualities. $0.00$0.00For Linda Lingle, governor of sunny Hawaii, the heat is always on. She races from a meeting with her closest advisers, to a press conference, and then back to her office to sign a bill into law. In this frantic schedule, there's one weekly meeting that the governor especially cherishes--every Wednesday morning she meets with her rabbi. Together, they study Torah, giving the governor a moment to reflect on the lessons learned from Biblical leaders such as Avraham, Moshe, and Miriam that she can apply to her work as governor. Lesson Summary:  Students will discuss important Jewish values that leaders should possess and will look for examples of these values in the lives of the presidential candidates and Biblical characters. They will then deliver campaign speeches to the class demonstrating how these important leadership qualities make the presidential candidates and Biblical figures strong leaders. Printable Lesson:  2506lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Presidential Candidates' Biographies List of Leadership Qualities Additional Resources:  Governor Linda Lingle: http://www.hawaii.gov/gov/ John Kerry: http://www.johnkerry.com George W. Bush: http://www.georgewbush.com Scholastic - Election 2004: http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/election2004

Hail to the Presidents

These four profiles of Jewish youth leaders will give students insight into the skills and qualities of a successful leader. In the accompanying lesson, students try on different leadership roles while working on a cooperative project to build a house of cards. $0.00$0.00  Making Connections Aliza Vishniavsky stands in front of a circle of teenagers. She warily eyes their smiling faces, but their warm welcome fails to comfort her. As the group sits expectantly the young woman, who is national president of NCSY (National Conference of Synagogue Youth), struggles to dispel the doubts that cast a shadow over her self-confidence. "Will they like my d'var torah?" she worries. Three excellent leaders rose before Israel: Moshe, Aaron, and Miriam." Ta'anit 9a Lesson Summary:  Students try on different leadership roles while working on a cooperative project to build a house of cards. Printable Lesson:  2502lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Role Cards Additional Resources:  United Synagogue Youth: http://www.usy.org North American Federation of Temple Youth : http://www.nfty.org Young Judaea : http://www.youngjudaea.org National Conference of Synagogue Youth: http://www.ou.org/ncsy

Funky Festive Foods

Read about this family's less than ordinary foods for the Rosh Hashanah table. In the lesson, students will explore some of the meanings for traditional Rosh Hashanah simanim (symbolic holiday foods) and have fun making their own simanim that can be incorporated into their family celebrations. $0.00$0.00Miriam Spitzer remembers the vacant, glassy stare she'd get from the fish head on her family's festive Rosh Hashanah table when she was a child. It was the food she loved to hate. No Rosh Hashanah was complete without tasting the fleshy fish head and reciting a reading asking that "we be at the head, and not at the tail" in the coming year. Lesson Summary:  Have students explore some of the meanings for traditional Rosh Hashanah simanim and have fun making their own simanim that can be incorporated into their family celebrations. Printable Lesson:  1504lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet List of Traditional Simanim

Roller Coasters

Roller coasters and yo-yos can teach us about potential and kinetic energy -- but this isn't a physics lesson. It's a lesson about building enough potential and kinetic spiritual energy over the High holidays and Sukkot to carry us through the year. $0.00$0.00  Scream Machines *The world's fastest and tallest roller coaster is Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point amusement park in Ohio. It barrels along at 120 miles per hour and soars as high as 420 feet--taller than the Statue of Liberty! *The first roller coaster in America--the Mauch Chunk Switchback Railway--invented in 1872, wasn't originally a tourist thrill ride, but a gravity-operated train that took coal down a mountain in Pennsylvania. "Let us lift our hearts with our hands to God in heaven." lamentations 3:41 Lesson Summary:  This lesson takes a deeper look at the conversion of potential to kinetic energy, in a scientific experiment and in the way we store spiritual energy during the high holidays to propel us through the rest of the year. Printable Lesson:  1506lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/hex/visit/lesson/lesson_links1.html http://www.funderstanding.com/k12/coaster

Sharing the Sound of the Shofar

Read about Michael Sokol, who volunteers on Rosh Hashanah to blow shofar for an elderly couple unable to attend services. By helping to bring joy to their holiday, Michael enhances his own celebration as well.  After sampling cupcakes without frosting, students will explore the “cake” and the “frosting” of holiday observance and think about the ways in which they can enhance the holidays for themselves and others. They will also consider the ways in which celebrating with other people is an essential part of the holiday.     $0.00$0.00  The cry of the shofar echoed through the home of Alta and Harry Eisenpress. With each piercing note, the lights flashed on and off, like the thunder and lightning at Mount Sinai. "The shofar blasts triggered a reaction from somewhere," says Alta. "Maybe from heaven," she adds with a smile. "And on that day, a great shofar will be sounded." Isaiah 27:13 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will explore the "cake" and the "frosting" of holiday observance using real cupcakes and think about the ways in which they can enhance the holidays for themselves and others. They will also consider the ways in which celebrating with other people is an essential part of the holiday. Printable Lesson:  1501lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Cupcake Worksheet Hebrew version of "Sharing the Sound of the Shofar" Additional Resources:  Learn about the specific times the shofar is blown: My Jewish Learning

Craig Taubman: Heart and Soul

Composer and singer Craig Taubman explains the importance of Jewish music in his life and the role that music plays in creating memories and building community. Through text study and a  music activity  this lesson will help your  students appreciate the role of music in  in their lives as Jews. $0.00$0.00  "Sing praise to God with the lyre and melodious song. With trumpets and the blast of the shofar raise a shout before God the Ruler." Psalms 98:5-6 Lesson Summary:  This lesson uses text study and a music activity to help students appreciate the role of music in their relationship to God and in their lives as Jews. Printable Lesson:  1503lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Psalm 150 Worksheet Inter-Act Community Service Log and Eligibility Rules Additional Resources:  http://www.craignco.com Students who complete four hours of volunteer work in the Jewish community will receive a free music CD, compliments of Craig Taubman and Craig ‘n Co. See the eligibility rules and print out the log sheet above.

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Let's Discover Israel

Offer younger children an exciting and age-appropriate introduction to the Jewish homeland