
American Idle No More

Share these exciting bar and bat mitzvah community service projects with your bar- and bat-mitzvah-age students! In the accompanying lesson, your students will explore their own neighborhoods and communities in an effort to identify ways in which they too can be proactive in addressing challenges.  $0.00$0.00  Welcome to American Idle No More! This is the night you've been waiting for. Tonight we're going to hear about our finalists, all of whom refused to "stand idly by" when their help was needed. Our judges, Randy Jewson, Paula Av-shul, and Shimon Cohen will weigh in, but it's your vote that counts. Visit babaganewz.com to vote for the next American Idle No More. And now, the contestants: "Do not stand idly by while your neighbor's blood is shed." Vayikra 19:16 Lesson Summary:  Students will explore their neighborhoods and communities in an effort to identify ways in which they too can be proactive in addressing challenges. Printable Lesson:  7504lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Community Walk Sheet Alternative Community Walk Sheet

Israel Increases Ethiopian Immigration

This article examines the controversy behind the Israeli government’s plan to bring the remaining Falash Mura community from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to Israel. In this lesson, students will identify the competing Jewish values, articulate their own positions, and create public service announcements.   $0.00$0.00  Lesson Summary:  Students will identify the competing Jewish values on the two sides of the debate; articulate their own positions; and create public service announcements to promote their viewpoints on the issue. Printable Lesson:  7501lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Debate Worksheet Additional Resources:  The North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry http://www.nacoej.org/falas.htm

Scott Schonfeld: Saving Lives, Cheek to Cheek

Read how Scott  Schonfeld brought the bone marrow registry to the masses with his innovative project . In the accompanying  lesson, students will launch a hatzalah campaign in the school and synagogue to prevent the need for rescue.     $0.00$0.00Scott Schonfeld remembers the day clearly. He was 15 years old and had just finished reading a story about Jay Feinberg, whose life was saved through a bone-marrow transplant, and who founded the Gift of Life Jewish bone-marrow registry. That's when Scott learned that the test to determine bone-marrow compatibility took less than a minute--and all you needed was a simple swab of the cheek. The idea hit Scott like a lightning bolt. "I said to myself," he recalls, "why can't we open this to healthy patients going for checkups in doctors' offices?" "Whoever saves a single soul of Israel, it is as though he or she saved a complete world." Sanhedrin 37a Lesson Summary:  Students will launch a hatzalah campaign in the school and synagogue to prevent the need for rescue. Printable Lesson:  7502lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Rabbi Avi Weiss: The Spirit of Activism

We sit down with anti-terror activist Rabbi Avi Weiss.  Students will formulate their own action plans for peaceful protest.  The article is also available in Hebrew. $0.00$0.00  "If a person can protest the deeds of the entire world and doesn't, he or she is guilty with them." Based on Shabbat 54b Lesson Summary:  Students will formulate their own plans of action and learn how to protest peacefully and effectively; they will recognize how protest is an expression of hatzalah, the power of rescue. Printable Lesson:  7505lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Hebrew Article Additional Resources:  Activities for Students Article in Hebrew

The Heart of the Rescue

After reading about how Israel's search and rescue team recued 2 girls after a 1999 earthquake in Turkey, students will develop an understanding of Birkat hagomel. They will put themselves inthe shoes of both the rescuers and the rescued to see that Jewish ritual provides a means of recognizing every aspect of human experience. $0.00$0.00  When the Indian Ocean tsunami struck, Israel responded immediately, sending medical teams and 80 tons of supplies to the countries reeling from the disaster. Although the full story of Israel's contributions has yet to emerge, here's another story that demonstrates Israel's heroic rescue work. "Three signs identify this people - they are merciful; they are bashful; and they perform deeds of kindness." Yevamot 79a Lesson Summary:  Students will explore the concept of hatzalah from the perspective of those rescued. They will study Birkat Hagomel and discover how Jewish ritual provides a means of recognizing every aspect of human experience. In addition, students will create responses appropriate for the rescuers to mark their work. Printable Lesson:  7506lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Arik Ze'evi's Fighting Spirit

Olympian Arik Ze'evi describes what it's like being a part of Israel's judo team. In the accompanying activity, students will make kinetic art that represents the roles they play in different communities and how they balance these roles. $0.00$0.00  Israeli judoka (judo expert) Arik Ze'evi faces his opponent, eyes focused, hands up defensively. The two Olympic athletes shuffle lightly around each other, searching for a weakness to exploit. Suddenly, like a leopard pouncing on its prey, Arik lunges for his opponent's judogi (uniform), pulling the helpless man forward and breaking his balance. Pivoting on one leg, the Israeli turns quickly, lifts his opponent effortlessly onto his back and throws him to the mat with a thud. "Every Jew, wherever he or she may find themselves...must remember that they are...representatives of the entire Jewish people." Rabbi Menachem Schneerson Lesson Summary:  Students will make kinetic art that represents the roles they play in different communities and how they balance these roles. Printable Lesson:  6504lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Abby Laub: Community Ties

When a young student decides to continue her Jewish education in another state, she discovers the value of participating in a new Jewish community. What are the essential elements of a community?  Using pie charts, students can compare their priorites. $0.00$0.00  Abby Laub, 13, stared wide-eyed at the clutter of suitcases that surrounded her. "What am I doing here?" she wondered nervously. "Maybe I made the wrong decision." This disturbing doubt had dogged her all day, but until now, she was determined to push it back into whatever tiny crevice of her mind it called home. "People who occupy themselves with the needs of the community are as though they occupy themselves with Torah." Talmud Yerushalmi, Berakhot 37A Lesson Summary:  Students create pie charts in order to analyze the components of a Jewish community. Printable Lesson:  6502lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Sample Pie Chart 6502additionalsource.pdf Article in Hebrew

Helping Victims of the Tsunami: What You Can Do

Be inspired by the Jewish response in America and Israel to help victims of the tsunami in Southeast Asia. $0.00$0.00  Lesson Summary:  Students will learn about the Jewish responsibility to help others in need and make a pledge to lend a helping hand. Printable Lesson:  6501lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet List of Jewish organizations collecting for tsunami relief


The formation in which geese fly illustrates the power of working within a community to reach a goal. By analyzing specific scenarios, students will learn about the support the community provides and the power the community generates to lead a group to a goal. $0.00$0.00  Birds of a Feather *Geese fly in a "V" formation because this arrangement allows them to see and communicate with each other while flying. *Geese mate for life and have strong family ties. They often travel in large family groups. *Google geese and you'll learn that a group of geese is called a gaggle; a flying gaggle is called a skein; when a skein lands on water, it's called a plump; but landlocked geese are just a flock. On the Fly "Don't separate yourself from the community." Pirkei Avot 2:4 Lesson Summary:  Students will be confronted with a list of "community issues" that they must solve by utilizing the power and support of a community. Printable Lesson:  6505lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Community Issues Sheet

Desert Oasis

This article about the formation of a kibbutz in the Negev highlights its communal nature and explores how such a community was instrumental in resettling the land of Israel. In this lesson, students will discuss the ideals behind kibbutz life, and compare maps of various communities, including a kibbutz, to discover how the physical layout of a community can express its values. $0.00$0.00  In 1943, a group of courageous pioneers transformed the dry Israeli desert into a flourishing community. "Whoever joins our camp is our brother." Ahad Ha'am Lesson Summary:  Students will discuss the ideals behind kibbutz life, and compare maps of various communities, including a kibbutz, to discover how the physical layout of a community can be an expression of its values. Printable Lesson:  6508lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Community Map 1 Community Map 2 Kibbutz Life Summary Additional Resources:  Kibbutzim Site: http://www.kibbutz.org.il/eng/welcome.htm Sexual Equality on the Israeli Kibbutz - Ideology, Reality, and the Future


This article explores how the act of laughing can help the healing process. By experiencing laughter through jokes in this lesson, students will ask themselves how laughter changed how they felt. They will then read Jewish texts about happiness and debate the merits of forcing oneself to be happy even when feeling sad. $0.00$0.00 LAUGH TRACKS A bizarre laughter "epidemic" broke out in Tanganyika, Africa, in 1962. A group of schoolgirls spread a contagious laugh from person to person and forced schools to close for six months. A belly laugh can be a strenuous workout! "A cheerful heart is good medicine." Proverbs 17:22 Lesson Summary:  By experiencing laughter through jokes in this lesson, students will ask themselves how laughter changed how they felt. They will then read Jewish texts about happiness and debate the merits of forcing oneself to be happy even when feeling sad. Printable Lesson:  Lesson Plan Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Get the Scoop on Jerry Greenfield

Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry's shares his  pride in his ice cream company's efforts to "go green." This lesson provides two activities to invite students to delve into the themes of the article. In the first activity, students will explore the ways in which Judaism teaches environmental consciousness and evaluate their school or synagogue for its efforts in environmental activism. In the second activity, students will enrich their exploration by comparing their favorite ice cream flavors to the Jewish perspective on the natural world.   $0.00$0.00Jerry Greenfield and Ben Cohen had failed at everything they tried to do. Ben wanted to be a potter, but nobody bought his pottery. Jerry wanted to be a doctor, but medical schools wouldn't accept him. Friends since junior high school, the two decided to try a new career based on something they both loved--ice cream. After taking a correspondence course in ice cream making, they opened the first Ben and Jerry's ice cream parlor in 1978 in Burlington, Vermont. ""Consider God's doing! Who can straighten what God has twisted?" Ecclesiastes 7:13 Lesson Summary:  This lesson provides two activities to invite students to delve into the themes of the article. In the first activity, students will explore the ways in which Judaism teaches an environmental consciousness and evaluate their school or synagogue for its efforts in environmental activism. In the second activity, students will enrich their exploration by comparing their favorite ice cream flavors to the Jewish perspective on the natural world in the second activity. Printable Lesson:  5504lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Environmental Checklist Ice Cream Cone Template Additional Resources:  About Ben and Jerry's environmental mission and endeavors: http://www.benjerry.com/our_company Ice Cream Trivia http://www.makeicecream.com/icecreamtrivia.html

A Tree in Israel Speaks

This article written from the point of view of a 600-year-old tree in Tzefat allows students to reflect on the role of trees in the world. Teach the accompanying lesson when teaching about Tu B'Shevat, Israel's environment, or Israeli history. The activities include various educational approaches: art, music, text study, role play, and creative writing.  $0.00$0.00  I dare you to walk by me without stopping. Go ahead, try it; I'm certain you'll fail. Few among you can resist the lure of my majestic presence beckoning you to lounge in the shade by my side. What causes such confidence? History, my friends--the history of this place. "Even if every wind in the world were to come and blow upon it, they could not shift [a tree] from its place." Pirkei Avot 3:22 Lesson Summary:  This lesson plan provides several different ideas for enhancing your teaching about Tu B'Shevat. By using the article about the Oak on Mt. Tabor as a springboard for discussion, the lesson invites students to reflect on the role and place of trees in their world. The activities listed below include various educational approaches to the topic: art, music, text study and creative writing. Printable Lesson:  5508lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Concentric Rings Example Article in Hebrew Additional Resources:  JewishHeritage Online Magazine - Rich source material about trees: http://www.jhom.com/topics/trees/index.htm Shirat Ha'asavim Lyrics http://www.hebrewsongs.com/song-shiratha%27asavim.htm Neot Kedumim Slideshow

Sharing the Sky

One Israeli works to keep planes and birds safe in Israel's airspace.  A map exercise demonstrates why Israel has so many migrating birds and other environmental challenges, and how environmental concerns can clash with security and government issues. $0.00$0.00  In August 1995, Israeli Air Force (IAF) pilots Ronen Lev and Yaron Vivante were streaking through the sky at 600 miles per hour in their F-15 Falcon jetfighter when disaster struck. Two white storks collided with the jet, while a third bird was sucked into the plane's powerful engine. Unable to survive the collision, the jet exploded into flames and crashed in the Negev. "Like the birds that fly, even so will the God of Hosts shield Jerusalem, shielding and saving, protecting and rescuing." Isaiah 31:5 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will study Israel ’s geographic location to understand why this tracking is necessary; analyze environmental challenges facing Israel because of bird migration; and consider ways in which citizens can galvanize government to address such issues. Printable Lesson:  5507lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Satellite Map of the Middle East Bird Scenarios Challenge Cards Additional Resources:  Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Migrating Birds Know No Boundaries: http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/MFA%20Publications/Photo%20Exhibits/Migrating%20Birds%20Know%20No%20Boundaries International Center for the Study of Bird Migration - Migrating Birds Know No Boundaries: http://www.birds.org.il/show_item.asp?levelid=457 International Center for the Study of Bird Migration Wings Across the Ocean http://www.birds.org.il/show_item.asp?levelId=642  Audubon http://www.audubon.org A.S.P.N.I. American Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel http://aspni.org

Biotech Food

What does Judaism have to say about the creation of genetically modified food? Read this article with your class, then facilitate this activity in which students apply Jewish texts and values to contemporary issues.  $0.00$0.00  Lesson Summary:  The lesson helps students debate the ethics of genetically modified foods from a Jewish perspective. Printable Lesson:  5501lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Activity Sheet Enrichment Activity Glossary Additional Resources:  Jewish Perspectives on Genetic Engineering: http://www.jcpa.org/art/jep2.htm Anti-GMO sites: http://www.seedsofdeception.com http://www.saynotogmos.org http://www.gmwatch.org Pro-GMO sites: http://www.whybiotech.com http://www.agbioworld.org http://www.monsanto.com

Fuel Cells

Through a description of how fuel cells can revolutionize the automobile industry and provide a real alternative to fossil fuel, readers will think about how each generation is responsible for protecting the natural resources of future generations. In this lesson, students will play a game recognizing the interconnectedness of God’s creations and the need for humans to conserve the world’s ecosystem and resources. $0.00$0.00*There are 774 vehicles in the United States for every 1,000 people. Elsewhere in the world, there are only 176 vehicles for every 1,000 people. *Americans drove 2.8 trillion miles during 2003. *The average car emits approximately one pound of carbon dioxide for every mile that it travels. FOSSIL FUEL FOLLY "For a commandment is the lamp and the Torah is light." Proverbs 6:23 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will play a game to recognize the interconnectedness of God’s creations and examine the need for humans to protect and conserve the world’s ecosystem and resources. Printable Lesson:  5506lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Parts of Creation Placards

Rachel Margolin: Growing a Mitzvah

Share this inspiring article with your students and connect it to the themes of Tu B'Shevat. Growing vegetables, Rachel Margolin's favorite hobby, is also her way of performing mitzvot. In the accompanying lesson, your students will examine the relationship between working the land and caring for the less fortunate, engage in a planting project in honor of Tu B’Shevat, and give of their harvest to benefit others.   $0.00$0.00The late summer sun beat down on Rachel Margolin as she scrambled through a web of hearty cucumber and tomato vines that she had planted as tiny seedlings only four months earlier. Sweat trickling down her back, 12-year-old Rachel plucked what seemed like a never-ending supply of plump, foot-long cucumbers and succulent tomatoes. Yet, with each tomato and cucumber she picked, Rachel felt stronger and more empowered. Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will plant a chicken soup garden in honor of Tu B'Shevat; plan for how to use the harvest to help others; and examine Jewish texts to understand the relationship between working the land and giving to others. Printable Lesson:  5502lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Chicken Soup Garden Instructions

The Ambassador Speaks

For a reality show on Israeli television, contestants were assigned difficult public relations missions defending their homeland. The winner speaks about the importance of standing up for Israel. The article can be taught with two possible lessons: one where students study the spies Moses sent into Israel and create a positive media blitz to counteract their reports, and another where they play a game about media bias and learn to become informed consumers of the news and to combat media bias against Israel. $0.00$0.00The students at Cambridge University in Britain glared menacingly at the visitors who had come to speak about Israel. Convinced that the Jewish state is occupying land rightfully belonging to Palestinians, the students were skeptical about hearing another point of view. But the visitors, among them Tzvika Deutsch, were determined to sway some opinions. Lesson Summary:  This lesson plan offers two alternatives for activities. In the first, students will study the negative portrayal presented by the spies sent by Moshe to report on conditions in the Land of Israel and then create their own positive media blitz about the Land using the information gleaned by the spies. In the second, students will play a game to learn about media bias and consider ways to become informed consumers of news and combat media bias against Israel. Printable Lesson:  4609lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Study Questions Source Sheet

Leah Larson: Editor-in-Chief

Inspire your students with the story of  Leah Larson, a young woman who published a magazine for Jewish girls when she was fourteen.  In the accompanying lesson, students will explore the values that guide their own lives as a basis for analyzing popular publications geared at their age group. $0.00$0.00  Leah Larson sits at the computer in her bedroom, checking her e-mail for new subscription orders, feedback from readers, and ad requests from companies. Later, she'll consult with her editorial board about article ideas, dream up a cover concept, and review an article about a Jewish girl from New Zealand. But before any of this is done, of course, Leah will have to complete her homework. "People should not say one thing with their mouths and something else with their hearts." Baba Metzia 49a Lesson Summary:  Students will explore the values that guide their own lives as a basis for analyzing popular publications geared at their age group. Printable Lesson:  4602lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  Official website for Yaldah Magazine: http://www.yaldahmagazine.com

The Rabbi in Uniform

Military chaplain Rabbi Mitchell Ackerson helps bring the joy of Shabbat to groups of tired, homesick Marines fighting in Iraq. How can his experiences influence your own practices? What is the difference between rest and renewal, and how can striving for each enhance your Shabbat?The article is also available in Hebrew. $0.00$0.00One Friday evening, with the sun setting behind him, Rabbi Mitchell Ackerson leads an unusual Shabbat service. Most of his congregants have never attended religious services, but something more significant makes this service memorable. Rabbi Ackerson is the chaplain of the 220th Military Police Brigade stationed in Iraq, and his congregation--27 tired, homesick Marines--stands alongside the banks of the Euphrates River, where the ancient city of Babylon once stood "May it be Your will, our God, that there be no distress, grief, or lament on this day of our contentment." Grace After Meals Lesson Summary:  Students will articulate the difference between rest and renewal on Shabbat. Students will identify activities that make Shabbat a day of renewal. Printable Lesson:  4504lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Shavat va'yinafash cards Hebrew Article

Teach Israel

Experience Modern Israel

New from Behrman House. Fly to Israel without a plane ticket.

Discover Israel

Let's Discover Israel

Offer younger children an exciting and age-appropriate introduction to the Jewish homeland