> Journey of a Lifetime
Sample Chapter (Page 9)

Match Ups

Draw a line from the word on the left to its definition on the right.

1. Shevah Brachot wedding canopy
2. ketubah wedding ceremony
3. huppah marriage contract
4. hatan groom
5. kallah aliyah for the bride and groom before their wedding
6. aufruf Seven Blessings recited during the wedding ceremony
7. kiddushin bride

What Do
You Do?
The newly married couple will celebrate the holidays together in their home. Each family celebrates the holidays a little differently. Describe how your family celebrates these Jewish holidays:
  1. Sukkot: Do you build a sukkah? What do you do inside a sukkah?
  2. Rosh Hashanah: Does your family send New Year cards? Do you make them or buy them?
  3. Hanukkah: How many hanukkiot do you light? In what room do you light candles?
  4. Passover: What special foods does your family prepare on Passover?


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