The learning sequence and instructional approaches of Alef Bet Quest
incorporate the most effective techniques based on up-to-date research on Hebrew reading skills acquisition.
Alef Bet Quest:- Introduces same-sound letters together (tet and tav; vet and vav).
- Keeps similar looking (yud, vav, final nun) and similar sounding (samech and zayin; samech and tzadee) letters
apart to avoid confusion.
- Drills single vowels with many different consonants.
- Divides words into component syllables in early chapters, then recombines them into whole words later on (ma, ma-mash, mamash).
- Teaches real Hebrew words, with an emphasis on those found in the
- Uses block print writing to reinforce sound-symbol associations, visual discrimination, and directionality.
- Develops fluency through reading drills and
online audio exercises that let the students hear the sounds.