Merle Feld's Poetry Collection Available from Behrman House

Written by Behrman House Staff, 30 of November, 2016

Poetry lovers will be delighted to know that Finding Words, the latest collection of poetry from poet and educator Merle Feld, is now available from Behrman House. Whether employed in a classroom setting or congregational reading group, or explored independently, Finding Words is a collection that grips us with its sensitivity and understanding of life, triggers our memories, and compels reflection. It makes a meaningful gift for the readers in your life.

"You read Merle Feld's poems and wonder: has this woman been alive for a thousand years? How can she know so much, contain so much? How can she continuously pierce my soul with these words she has found?"  --Rabbi Lawrence Kushner

"Merle Feld's Finding Words is a book of memory and desire, neediness and hopefulness, elegies for loved ones lost, celebration of moments of joy and love, scrupulous self-examination. I am gripped by Feld's honesty, and by her precise nailing of 'the little obsessions that sink their teeth in / and mercilessly shake us, imprevious / to our whimpering and begging Let me go.' These poems didn't let me go either--they held me captive like the stories of my own life."  --Alicia Ostriker, author of For the Love of God and The Book of Seventy

Merle Feld is an acclaimed poet and playwright whose work has been featured in The Torah: A Women's Commentary and Mahzor Lev Shalom as well as other collections. As a scholar-in-residence, she has helped clergy and communities across North America use poetry as a powerful means of spiritual expression. 

Finding Words is also available through Amazon.

Please enjoy the poem 'Early Telling' from the collection.
