Have a Fun and Festive Purim with Behrman House

Written by Behrman House Staff, 16 of February, 2012

Get your costumes and graggers ready, Purim begins the evening of March 7! To help you prepare for this festive holiday, we have plenty of games, videos, skits and resources for you to incorporate into your home and classroom. (Note: The items with an asterisk can only be viewed once you are logged in to our website. To log in or quickly create a free account, click "Log in" or "Sign up" at the top of our website)


After the Fast of Esther is over, indulge in some yummy hamantaschen with this delicious recipe* while watching this complimentary cooking guide* from Shalom Sesame

To ensure that everyone has enough food for the Purim feast, it is a mitzvah to give mishloach manot (a Purim food basket) to family and friends. This resource* will give you many fun ideas based on the themes from some of your favorite movies.


Lights, camera, action! Put on a Purim play with some humorous skits such as Terminator-inspired “Esther-minator” from Skits and Shpiels

Get your graggers ready for the megillah reading! Use our free Noisemaker gragger iPhone app to drown out Haman’s name during the Purim story or even record your own sounds.

Find all the holidays words you can in this Purim word puzzle.

Celebrate the miracle of Esther’s disguise in the Purim story by using these fun, crafty costume ideas you can make right at home.

Check out this G-dcast animated Purim video: Princess of Persia, and watch Esther’s Purim story.


From Hebrew Wizards, use this colorful Purim board to teach your kids about the holiday, along with the complimentary Study Buddy Teacher's Guide, full of lesson plans, recipes, stories, songs and more.

Need to brush up on your Purim lingo? Find all of the main holiday terms here.

Get your kids’ creativity flowing by having them write their own grammen* (rhyming songs to make people laugh) and perform them on Purim day.

Make sure you and your family have a healthy, sustainable holiday with this rich guide of Purim snacks and spirits, party ideas, mitzvahs to help others and things you can do for yourself.


*You must be signed in to our website to view this material within our resource library. To sign in or create an account, go to the top of our website)
