Digital Badges Incent Practice and Show Students' Accomplishments

Written by Behrman House Staff, 23 of June, 2014
An OLC Makeover to Better Suit Your Classroom Needs

As your students complete lessons in Ready, Set...Go Alef Bet, Alef Bet Quest, Kol Yisrael 1, 2, and 3 as well as the 5 traits in Explorer's Bible 1 Animated, they will be rewarded with badges to encourage learning and track their progress. 

A new section to the Online Learning Center has been added to show students' accomplishments called "My Badges" on the yellow navigation bar. 

Behrman House digital badges convey information in the Online Learning Center about student achievement. The represent knowledge, skills, and advancement in Hebrew and Bible study.

The new badges serve many purposes: 

1. Achievement-based formal recognition of learning (celebrate accomplishment)
2. Tells a story of personal achievement (like a resume)
3. Assessment tool (summative)
4. Electronic portfolio for each child that they or education director can print out and share with parents
5. Intrinsic motivation to gain next badge

Are you ready to try the Online Learning Center in your school? Did you use it last year and want to get a head start preparing for this year? Contact us for a 15 minute consultation that will get you on your way.
