How is this haggadah different from all others? Here's a guide to help you find the haggadah that's right for your seder.
For families with children of all ages, those new to hosting a seder
*48 color pages, 30-60 minutes
*Easy to follow
*Planning guide included
*Links to songs and recipes online
*Transliteration encourages participation
*Hebrew provided for all blessings
For intergenerational seders
*40 color pages, 30-45 minutes
*Large format
*Plagues illustrated in lighthearted, child-friendly ways
*Transliteration of all blesssings and songs
*Some Hebrew provided
For families with children of varying abilities
* 64 color pages, 30 minutes
* Pictograms help pre-readers
*Transliterations of all blessings and songs
* Parent and educator guide available free
For families with elementary school children, model seders, congregational family seders
*40 color pages, 30-45 minutes
*Large format
*Plagues illustrated in lighthearted, child-friendly way
*Transliteration of all blessings and songs
*Hebrew provided
For adults who prefer a traditional seder
*128 black and white pages, 90+ minutes
*Traditional language and approach
*More than 130 commentaries, quotes and anecdotes
*Music for 16 blessings
*Hebrew throughout, matched line by line with English translation
*Selected blessings transliterated
For families with teenagers, young adults, youth groups and college group seders, interfaith seders
*112 black and white pages, 90 minutes
*Updated version of the Reconstructionist classic
*Addresses broad themes of slavery and freedom in modern and ancient times
*Unique American view of Passover liberation theme
*Gender neutral language and some modern rituals
*Hebrew throughout; some blessings transliterated
Order The New American Haggadah on Amazon or Barnes & Noble
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