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Living Jewish Values: All Volumes

Volume 1: Be Your Best Self
By Joysa Maben Winter and Mark H. Levine
Values: Individual Dignity (K’vod Habriyot), Returning to Your Best Self (Teshuvah), Personal Satisfaction (Sameach B’chelko), and Humility (Anavah)
Essential Questions: What does it mean to have personal dignity? Is it true that those who seek more than they need hinder themselves from enjoying what they have? How does humility help the world?

Volume 2: Family Connections
By Mark H. Levine
Values: Gratitude (Hakarat Hatov), Family Harmony (Sh’lom Bayit), Truth (Emet), and Holiness (Kedushah)
Essential Questions: How do I show gratitude? What risks can we take for the sake of sh’lom bayit? How much is truth worth? What does it mean to find holiness?
Save 15% when you order Volumes 1+2 together!
Volume 1 + Volume 2 Set (Books only)

Volume 3: Be a Good Friend
By Aviva Werner
Values: Judging Favorably (Dan L’chaf Zechut), Friendship (Reyut), The Power of Speech (Koach Hadibur), and Courage (Ometz Lev)
Essential Questions: How can I be a good friend? How is gossip dangerous? What is peer pressure?

Volume 4: Our Shared World
By Aviva Werner
Values: Community (Kehillah), Justice (Tzedek), Mutual Responsibility (Arevut), and Repairing the World (Tikkun Olam)
Essential Questions: How can I contribute to the kehillah? What is the difference between seeking justice and getting what you want? How do we show arevut to international Jewish communities? What tikkun olam can I do?
Save 15% when you order Volumes 3+4 together!
Volume 3 + Volume 4 Set (Books only)