
Tzedakah Copy Pak TM

Grade Level: 3-6 Through these 29 activity sheets, students discover the true meaning of tzedakah, the pleasures and responsibilities associated with it, its connections to Torah and Talmud, and the teachings of Maimonides. Pak includes black line masters and teaching guide. $0.00$0.00 Quantity Printable Lesson:  Activities.pdf Additional PDFs:  Tzedakah Teacher Guide.pdf


By viewing the music video, “We’ve Gotta Live Together,” students will recognize how unity is a byproduct of giving, even when the recipient appears to be different from the giver. Students will explore the concept of “pay it forward” and consider the Israeli aspect of the music video and how it relates to achdut, unity.  $0.00$0.00“We’ve Gotta Live Together” By Alexandra Fleksher Quantity Lesson Summary:  ·         Students will recognize the power of giving. ·         Students will identify the importance of giving to others, regardless of differences. ·         Students will explore the concept of Jewish unity and how it pertains to Israel, the Jewish homeland. Printable Lesson:  What does Yom Ha’atzmaut mean to you Lesson Plan.pdf

Leadership: Moses and Me

Students will explore what it means to be a leader like Moses. By considering the various ways one can use leadership skills, students will gain an appreciation that leadership is not just about taking charge, but also about being a role model. Students will apply this knowledge to an imaginary project, using the worksheet provided.   $0.00$0.00Leadership: Moses and Me By Alexandra Fleksher Quantity Lesson Summary:  ·       Students will identify that one may be a leader by taking charge or by being a role model to others. ·       Students will compare the leadership of Moses to other leaders they know. ·       Students will connect the concept of leading by example to their own lives. Printable Lesson:  Leadership - Moses & Me Lesson Plan.pdf

Ten Plagues Rap LESSON PLAN

Students learn about the ten plagues by watching a rap video and playing charades. They’ll discuss the ways we might see the hand of God in the world today and complete a worksheet to guide their learning. $0.00$0.00Using Ari Lesser's 10 Plagues Video: Quantity Lesson Summary:  ·       Students will discuss why God brought the ten plagues on the Egyptians. ·       Students will reflect on how (and whether) they see God’s hand in the world today. Printable Lesson:  Ten Plagues Battle Rap Lesson Plan.pdf

Leadership: Moses and Me

Students will explore what it means to be a leader like Moses.  By considering the various ways one can use leadership skills, students will gain an appreciation that leadership is not just about taking charge, but also about being a role model.  Students will apply this knowledge to an imaginary project, using the worksheet provided.   $0.00$0.00Leadership: Moses and Me By Alexandra Fleksher Quantity Lesson Summary:  ·         Students will identify that one may be a leader by taking charge or by being a role model to others. ·         Students will compare the leadership of Moses to other leaders they know. ·         Students will connect the concept of leading by example to their own lives. Printable Lesson:  Leadership - Moses & Me Lesson Plan.pdf

Tikkun Olam – A Message for Purim

Students will learn about the value of giving through the Purim mitzvot of mishloach manot and matanot l’evyonim (giving gifts to the poor), as well as through the stories of two “Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Award” recipients.  Two student worksheets are included to guide student learning $0.00$0.00Tikkun Olam – A Message for Purim By Alexandra Fleksher Daniel Rosenthal, from Santa Rosa, California, began performing magic tricks for hospital patients when he was just 8 years old.  It was then that he realized the power of laughter.  Years later, as a teenager, Daniel established the organization Magic is Medicine, which places volunteer magicians in hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities across the United States.  Quantity Lesson Summary:  ·       Students will identify the qualities a winner of a tikkun olam award should have. ·       Students will identify how the projects of the 2013 Diller Teen Tikkun Olam winners were centered around giving. ·       Students will explore the giving-related mitzvot of Purim and connect them to the projects of the 2013 winners. ·       Students will explore how giving makes them feel. Printable Lesson:  Tikkun Olam - A Message for Purim Lesson Plan.pdf

Understanding Inclusion – Tikvah Program at Camp Ramah

Students will identify the importance of being inclusive of people with special needs by watching a video of the Tikvah Program at Camp Ramah and studying a Jewish text. Students will also learn how to use “person first language” to describe people and apply this technique to people they know.  $0.00$0.00Understanding Inclusion – Tikvah Program at Camp Ramah By Howard Blas Imagine going to the same summer camp as children with Down Syndrome, autism—even kids in wheelchairs?! It may sound unusual and perhaps even a little scary at first. The Tikvah Program at Camp Ramah in New England makes it possible for campers with all types of disabilities to enjoy every aspect of the camp experience, right along-side their typical peers – like you.    Quantity Lesson Summary:  Students will observe ways in which people with a range of disabilities also have many abilities, learn that people with disabilities have much in common with them, and learn about “person first language” in describing all people.   Printable Lesson:  Understanding Inclusion – Tikvah Program at Camp Ramah Lesson Plan.pdf

Tu BiShevat Tree Hugger Rap

In celebration of Tu BiShevat, students explore what we can learn from trees through a creative thinking exercise, studying a biblical verse, and watching a video created by a Tree Hugger Rapper. $0.00$0.00     Quantity Lesson Summary:  ·       Students will interpret the biblical verse, “A person is like a tree of the field,” by identifying ways in which people are similar to trees. ·       Students will explore what lessons they can learn from trees that can be applied to their own lives. Printable Lesson:  Tu BiShevat Tree Hugger Rap.pdf

Gat Brothers - Happiness

By viewing the Gat brothers' performance on Israel’s “Rising Star” TV show, students will identify how these two performers embody the Jewish value of happiness through personal satisfaction. $0.00$0.00The Gat Brothers - Happiness by Alexandra Fleksher  Quantity Lesson Summary:  ·     1.   Students will define the term “happiness.” ·     2.   Students will identify times and situations in their lives when they feel happy. ·     3.   Students will identify how the Gat brothers, while performing on stage, embody the value of happiness. ·      4.  Students will explore Jewish texts that provide a deeper understanding of the term “happiness.” Printable Lesson:  The Gat Brothers - Happiness Lesson Plan.pdf

Smart Ways to Live - The Maccabeats

Using the Smart Ways to Live - The Maccabeats video to prompt their thinking, this lesson plan has students preparing and performing skits illustrating how ethical teachings of rabbis from 2000 years ago can apply today, and reflecting on what ethical guidelines are important to them in their own lives. $0.00$0.00Published on Apr 22, 2013 Quantity Lesson Summary:  Students will learn about the ethical teachings of the rabbis in Pirkei Avot. Students will reflect on the relevance of these teachings to their lives today. Students will think about which ethical guidelines are important to them in their own lives. Printable Lesson:  Smart Ways to Live - Maccabeats.pdf

Happiness by Cultivating Gratitude Lesson Plan

With this lesson plan, teachers can guide students to explore a text, listen to a story, participate in a creative gratitude exercise and then reflect on their experiences to understand what it means to be happy with what you already have. $0.00$0.00In this lesson plan, students will explore the role of gratitude in living a happy life, and cultivate a sense of personal gratitude in their own lives by reflecting in “happiness journals”. Quantity Lesson Summary:  Students will explore the role of gratitude in living a happy life from a Jewish and general perspective. Students will integrate these ideas into their lives in a personal and real way through participating in the gratitude exercises and writing in their “happiness journals”. Printable Lesson:  Happiness by Cultivating Gratitude.pdf

Make Your Own Olive Oil

Students make their own olive oil for the menorah, and reflect on the Hanukkah miracle of oil and the importance of hope in their lives. $0.00$0.00Learn how to make homemade olive oil in time for Hanukkah. Students make their own olive oil for the menorah, and reflect on the Hanukkah miracle of oil and the importance of hope in their lives. Quantity Lesson Summary:  Students will understand the significance of oil, and particularly olive oil, on Hanukkah. Students will reflect on the importance of hope in their own lives. Printable Lesson:  Make your own olive oil Lesson Plan.pdf

Inner Strength: A PBL (Project Based Learning) Lesson

Students will explore what it means to use inner strength (gevurah) and share their conclusions with others. Hanukkah, with its focus on the Maccabees’ heroism, is an ideal time for engaging in this PBL, but the unit can be used at any time during the year. Includes complete step-by-step instructions for the teacher and 10 printable student source sheets and worksheets. $0.00$0.00Having inner strength is often thought of as the bravery one has in the face of a physical confrontation. Use this project to help your students understand that true inner strength means facing challenges and choosing to do what is right. This can be observed by studying both historic and modern-day gibborim (heroes), including people they know and see every day. How does one’s gevurah (inner strength) guide the choices made when faced with great challenges? This PBL lesson will help us figure that out. Quantity Printable Lesson:  Gevurah PBL.pdf Additional PDFs:  Getting Ready to Learn about Gevurah.pdf Text Study 1 Resource Sheet.pdf Text Study 1 Student Worksheet.pdf Text Study 2 Resource Sheet.pdf Text Study 2 Worksheet.pdf Prayer Study Gevurot.pdf Prayer Study Al Hanissim.pdf Mi -Yimaleil-Study-Sheet.pdf Giborim Wax Museum Instructions for the Teacher.pdf Gibborim Wax Museum Student Page.pdf

A Year of Jewish Fitness

The article offers holiday-themed tips for keeping fit throughout the Jewish year. In this lesson, students experience various physical challenges and consider possible relationships between maintaining health and vigor, and walking in the way of God. $0.00$0.00The Jewish year is loaded with holidays, and—let’s face it—the Jewish holidays are loaded with calories. We associate Pesach with matzah balls, Purim with hamantaschen, Hanukkah with jelly donuts, and Rosh Hashanah with honey cake. With all this scrumptious traditional holiday food, how can Jewish people keep in shape? To solve this age-old dilemma, we turned to the Jewish calendar for ideas, and to our families as personal trainers. Here are our tips for how to keep fit with your folks throughout the Jewish year: Quantity Lesson Summary:  Students will experience simulations of various physical challenges. Students will recognize that when one’s body is not in good condition, one is less able to appreciate God’s world or do mitzvot. Printable Lesson:  A Year of Jewish Fitness Lesson Plan.pdf

Kavod in the Classroom: A PBL (Project Based Learning) Lesson

Treating others with kavod (honor, respect) is a core Jewish value, building from Am Yisrael’s sacred connection to God. Starting the school year with a PBL on this topic can put the classroom/school onto the path of being a community that values and exemplifies respect in all of its actions. $0.00$0.00Students will learn about the Jewish value of respect (kavod) and create a plan to develop a respectful school and/or classroom community. This PBL lesson includes a complete how-to guide, plus 8 printable worksheets and text study guides. Quantity Printable Lesson:  Kavod in the Classroom PBL.pdf Additional PDFs:  Getting Ready to Learn about Kavod.pdf Kavod Text Study Resource Sheet.pdf Kavod Text Study Student Sheet.pdf Using Bible Stories to Help Understand Kavod - Teacher Resource Page.pdf Guided Text Study - Kavod Between People.pdf Guided Text Study - God's Presence as God's Kavod.pdf Guided Text Study - God Giving Kavod to a Person.pdf Guided Text Study - God's Kavod in Prayer.pdf PDF Preview:  Using_Bible_Stories_to_Help_Understand_Kavod_Teacher_Resource_Page.pdf

Making the Shofar: A Family Tradition

Students will explore how and why we blow the shofar on the High Holidays, through watching a video about how the shofar is made, hearing and examining a real shofar, and doing a creative writing exercise about the shofar’s message in their lives. $0.00$0.00BarSheshet-Ribak Shofarot Israel, operating out of Tel Aviv's southern neighborhood of Florentine, has been making qualified kosher shofars since 1927. Video by Hadas Parush Quantity Lesson Summary:  • Students will learn about what the shofar looks like and how it is blown. • Students will understand the meaning behind hearing the shofar. • Students will reflect on the shofar’s message in their lives. Printable Lesson:  Making_the_Shofar_Lesson_Plan.pdf

Israelis Celebrate Lag B'Omer

Students will watch the video and study a text to explore the meaning behind the Lag B’Omer holiday. They will then plan their own Lag B’Omer celebration. $0.00$0.00Out here in Tel Aviv, plenty of Israelis are celebrating the Jewish holiday of Lag B'Omer. This day marks the anniversary of the death of the Jewish sage Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Traditionally, most people come out and light bonfires as a symbol of the impact of Bar Yochai's spiritual teachings. Lag B'Omer has also become a national holiday in Israel, commemorating the 'Bar Kokhba revolt' and victory against the Roman Empire. Quantity Lesson Summary:  Students will understand the historical significance of Lag B’Omer, discuss why Lag B’Omer became a national holiday in Israel today, and plan their own Lag B’Omer celebration. Printable Lesson:  Israelis_Celebrate_Lag_B'Omer.pdf

Dov Lipman: An American Rabbi in Israel's Knesset

MK Rabbi Dov Lipman, the first American-born Jew to be elected to Israel's Knesset in 30 years, talks with Babaganewz about the current conflict between observant and secular Jews in Israel. $0.00$0.00The rock that bruised Rabbi Dov Lipman's leg nearly a decade ago also went straight to his heart.   Quantity Lesson Summary:  The interview with MK Rabbi Dov Lipman discusses the current conflict between observant and secular Jews in Israel. This lesson plan uses a graphic organizer and discussion to help students understand why treating others with respect and dignity is a Jewish value. Students will then create symbolic reminders of this value. Printable Lesson:  Lesson Plan

Martha Stewart's Streit's Tour

Martha Stewart tours Streit's matzah factory in NYC. In this lesson, students will watch the video and read excerpts from the Haggadah in order to explore the meaning behind eating matzah on Pesach. $0.00$0.00Martha Stewart tours Streit's matzah factory in NYC. In this lesson, students will watch the video and read excerpts from the Haggadah in order to explore the meaning behind eating matzah on Pesach. Quantity Lesson Summary:  Students will understand two historical reasons for eating matzah.Students will explore how remembering these historical events can shape who we are today.Students will design a class tzedakah project to help people in need on Pesach. Printable Lesson:  Martha_Stewart_Streits_Tour.pdf

Y-Love "This Is Unity"

In this lesson, students will explore the values of unity and diversity within the Jewish people through learning a Jewish text and watching Y-Love’s video, “This is Unity.” $0.00$0.00In this lesson, students will explore the values of unity and diversity within the Jewish people through learning a Jewish text and watching Y-Love’s video, “This is Unity.” Quantity Printable Lesson:  Y-Love Unity Lesson Plan.pdf

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Experience Modern Israel

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Discover Israel

Let's Discover Israel

Offer younger children an exciting and age-appropriate introduction to the Jewish homeland