
Technology Tuesdays: Grockit Answers

You write the questions for any YouTube video and they'll pop up as others watch. $0.00$0.00by Richard D. Solomon, PhD and Elaine C. Solomon Tuesday, April 9, 2013 / 29 Nisan The Technology: Grockit Answers   Quantity

Israelis Celebrate Lag B'Omer

Students will watch the video and study a text to explore the meaning behind the Lag B’Omer holiday. They will then plan their own Lag B’Omer celebration. $0.00$0.00Out here in Tel Aviv, plenty of Israelis are celebrating the Jewish holiday of Lag B'Omer. This day marks the anniversary of the death of the Jewish sage Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Traditionally, most people come out and light bonfires as a symbol of the impact of Bar Yochai's spiritual teachings. Lag B'Omer has also become a national holiday in Israel, commemorating the 'Bar Kokhba revolt' and victory against the Roman Empire. Quantity Lesson Summary:  Students will understand the historical significance of Lag B’Omer, discuss why Lag B’Omer became a national holiday in Israel today, and plan their own Lag B’Omer celebration. Printable Lesson:  Israelis_Celebrate_Lag_B'Omer.pdf

Technology Tuesdays: Timetoast

Students can easily create interactive historical timelines with text and photos. $0.00$0.00Tuesday, March 19, 2013 / 8 NisanThe Technology: Timetoast Quantity

Technology Tuesdays: If It Were My Home

Compare Israel to any country in the world with this country comparison tool. $0.00$0.00Tuesday, March 12, 2013 / 1 NisanThe Technology: Compare Countries Quantity

Technology Tuesdays: inklewriter

Your students can write and publish their own choose-your-own-adventure-style stories. $0.00$0.00Tuesday, March 5, 2013 / 23 Adar The Technology: inklewriter Quantity

Dov Lipman: An American Rabbi in Israel's Knesset

MK Rabbi Dov Lipman, the first American-born Jew to be elected to Israel's Knesset in 30 years, talks with Babaganewz about the current conflict between observant and secular Jews in Israel. $0.00$0.00The rock that bruised Rabbi Dov Lipman's leg nearly a decade ago also went straight to his heart.   Quantity Lesson Summary:  The interview with MK Rabbi Dov Lipman discusses the current conflict between observant and secular Jews in Israel. This lesson plan uses a graphic organizer and discussion to help students understand why treating others with respect and dignity is a Jewish value. Students will then create symbolic reminders of this value. Printable Lesson:  Lesson Plan

Seder Game: Family Jew'd

Based on the classic game show Family Feud, Family Jew'd is a great activity in which the whole Seder crowd can take part. It’s also excellent for an older class to lead at your school’s model Seder. $0.00$0.00Family Jew’d, based on the classic game show Family Feud, is a great activity in which the whole Seder crowd, including adults, can take part. It’s also excellent for an older class to lead at your school’s model Seder.   In the original game show, families competed to name the most popular responses to survey questions. In our classroom version, students write their own questions about Pesach traditions, use their class as the survey pool, and then use those questions and survey responses to be the game show host in leading Family Jew’d. Quantity

Seder Game: Putting Pesach in Order

Students put events and phrases from the Pesach story in order in this fun classroom or model Seder activity. $0.00$0.00This short classroom or model Seder activity is intended to encourage students to think about the vocabulary and sequence of events that make up the story of the Exodus from Egypt, and to get the whole group on their feet and working together.   Activity duration: Under 10 minutes   What you’ll need: a package of index cards   Preparation: Write each of the following words or phrases in large letters on an index card. There are 30 words and phrases below, but feel free to add additional cards with words of your own.   Quantity

Exodus Mad Libs Style

Start with the story of the Exodus from Egypt, crowdsource a few key points, and end up with a hilarious activity for the classroom or family. $0.00$0.00The idea of Mad Libs® is to start with a traditional story (in this case, the story of the Exodus), and by crowdsourcing a few key points, end up with something very different (and, hopefully, very entertaining). All you have to do is print out one copy of the template story below and prompt your students for a list of words to fill in the blanks. Read the resulting story aloud to students and be prepared for laughter. Alternatively, you can print many copies of the template story for students to complete at home with their families. Quantity

Martha Stewart's Streit's Tour

Martha Stewart tours Streit's matzah factory in NYC. In this lesson, students will watch the video and read excerpts from the Haggadah in order to explore the meaning behind eating matzah on Pesach. $0.00$0.00Martha Stewart tours Streit's matzah factory in NYC. In this lesson, students will watch the video and read excerpts from the Haggadah in order to explore the meaning behind eating matzah on Pesach. Quantity Lesson Summary:  Students will understand two historical reasons for eating matzah.Students will explore how remembering these historical events can shape who we are today.Students will design a class tzedakah project to help people in need on Pesach. Printable Lesson:  Martha_Stewart_Streits_Tour.pdf

Technology Tuesdays: WebKut

Easily capture any web page (or a portion of it) as a jpg, gif, png, or pdf file. $0.00$0.00by Richard D. Solomon, PhD and Elaine C. Solomon Quantity

Technology Tuesdays: Narrated PowerPoints

Free up valuable classroom time by creating enhanced PowerPoint presentations with this free tool. $0.00$0.00by Richard D. Solomon, PhD and Elaine C. Quantity

Technology Tuesdays: Google Moderator

Use crowdsourcing to encourage your students to ask questions and share their ideas and opinions. $0.00$0.00by Richard D. Solomon, PhD and Elaine C. Solomon Quantity

Y-Love "This Is Unity"

In this lesson, students will explore the values of unity and diversity within the Jewish people through learning a Jewish text and watching Y-Love’s video, “This is Unity.” $0.00$0.00In this lesson, students will explore the values of unity and diversity within the Jewish people through learning a Jewish text and watching Y-Love’s video, “This is Unity.” Quantity Printable Lesson:  Y-Love Unity Lesson Plan.pdf

Technology Tuesdays: SMART Goals

Set and track goals that are SMART to help clearly define what you want to accomplish and how you will go about accomplishing it. $0.00$0.00Tuesday, January 29, 2013 / 18 Shevat The Technology: SMART Goals   SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-oriented. Setting goals that are SMART can help clearly define what you want to accomplish and how you will go about accomplishing it. For example:   Quantity

Jewish Perspectives on Gun Violence

$0.00$0.00The country is in the midst of a controversial discussion about gun violence. Students will enter the conversation in a meaningful way and express opinions that are shaped not only by relevant policy considerations, but also by their Jewish heritage.   Quantity Printable Lesson:  PBL Gun Violence Lesson Plan3.pdf

Technology Tuesdays: Online File Conversion

Easily convert a digital file from one format to another. $0.00$0.00by Richard D. Solomon, PhD and Elaine C. Solomon Tuesday, January 22, 2013 / 11 Shevat The Technology: Online File Conversion   Quantity

Technology Tuesdays: AudioPal

Record audio files from a telephone, microphone, or written text, then embed the audio on a website or in the OLC. $0.00$0.00by Richard D. Solomon, PhD and Elaine C. Solomon Quantity

How to Host a Recycling Fashion Show

Plan a student-run recycled fashion show to publicize the value of bal tashchit (avoiding waste). $0.00$0.00The goal of a Recycling Fashion Show is to promote earth-friendly habits through creativity. Organizing the show enables students to take on leadership roles and work on team-building skills both behind the scenes and on the “runway.” This is a general guide that should be modified to fit the needs of each particular class and school. The teacher should encourage students to tap into their own creative resources and avoid giving ideas. Allowing students to challenge themselves will promote independence and creative thought.   Quantity

The Lorax

Can humanity progress without destroying the environment? What do the Lorax, the Once-ler, and the Torah have to say about it? $0.00$0.00Students will watch a clip from the film The Lorax (or read Dr. Seuss’ book The Lorax) and study Jewish texts in order to reflect on how humans should relate to the earth. Quantity Lesson Summary:  • Students will reflect on the tension between the values of human progress and taking care of the environment and think about ways to reconcile the two.• Students will understand that both of these values are rooted in the Jewish tradition.• Students will undertake projects to improve the environment. Printable Lesson:  Lorax2.pdf

Teach Israel

Experience Modern Israel

New from Behrman House. Fly to Israel without a plane ticket.

Discover Israel

Let's Discover Israel

Offer younger children an exciting and age-appropriate introduction to the Jewish homeland