
A Pup Star

Read about Benji, the lovable mutt featured in many movies from the 1970s and '80s.  $0.00$0.00The casting call went out over a year ago. The producers wanted a floppy-eared, big-eyed, shaggy star. The role? None other than Benji- the lovable mutt featured in a series of movies in the 1970s and '80s. The original Benji had been rescued from an animal shelter- and his fame led to nearly one million pet adoptions across the country. So when it came time to cast a new Benji, producer Joe Camp scoured the country's shelters searching for a dog with star potential. He found the perfect mutt in a Mississippi shelter.

Arlene Klasky: Drawing on her Talents

In this  interview, Arlene Klasky, the producer of “The Wild Thornberrys,” explains that the show aims to teach viewers about the importance of p rotecting endangered species, of caring for animals, and of speaking out against cruel treatment of animals. In the accompanying  lesson, students will study a midrashic text and complete a puzzle to explore how our re lationship to animals results from an understanding of the roles that humans play in the world.   $0.00$0.00  Animator Arlene Klasky uses her cartooning skills to teach the importance of preserving wildlife. "And in that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field and with the birds of heaven and with the creeping things of the ground." Hosea 2:20 Lesson Summary:  Students will study a midrashic text and complete a puzzle to explore how our relationship to animals results from understanding the roles that humans play in the world. The lesson introduces our role as stewards of creation. Printable Lesson:  5304lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  Details about cow-milking equipment for Shabbat

A Girl's Best Friend

Share this article and lesson with your animal-loving students! In the lesson, they will explore two different notions about animals: that animals possess capabilities that people lack, and that it is vital to develop a mutually caring relationship between people and animals. $0.00$0.00  "And God's purpose is carried out through everything-even through a snake, a scorpion, a gnat, or a frog." Bereishit Rabbah 10:7 Lesson Summary:  Students will explore two notions about animals: that animals possess capabilities which people lack, and that it is vital to develop a mutually caring and supportive relationship between people and animals. Printable Lesson:  5302lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet 5302article.pdf Additional Resources:  Canine Companions for Independence Nature: Extraordinary Cats

Is Animal Experimentation Ethical?

Read about the  debate on whether animal experimentation is permitted for human benefit.In this lesson, students are challenged to think about arguments for andagainst animal experimentation using both an example from current events and sources from Jewish texts to help formulate a position. $0.00$0.00  The race to protect Americans from bioterrorist attacks has intensified hostilities between animal-rights activists and the biomedical community. Scientists are scurrying to improve anthrax and smallpox vaccines by infecting chimps with deadly bacteria during experiments. Critics of animal experimentation hope "to push researchers out of the Dark Ages, where animals are butchered in the name of science." THE GREAT DEBATE Lesson Summary:  Students will study Jewish texts about the treatment of animals and about the concept of rahamanut, mercy. Students will consider how animal experimentation balances the need for mercy toward people (i.e. people benefit from this testing) against the need for mercy to animals (i.e. proper treatment of animals). Printable Lesson:  5301lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Treevial Pursuit: A Tu B'Shevat Board Game

Celebrate Tu B'Shevat by playing this board game. $0.00$0.00For your God brings you into a good land...a land of wheat and barley, grapevines and figs and pomegranates, a land of oil-olives and date honey. Devarim 8:7-8 Almost all Jewish holidays have foods that remind us of the meaning of the holiday. On Tu B'Shevat-the New Year for Trees-we think about (shivat haminim), the seven types of grains and fruits that are native to the land of Israel. Play our game with up to three friends to learn more! INSTRUCTIONS Lesson Summary:  Especially appropriate for a class activity on Tu B'Shevat, this lesson helps you expand the information presented in the game. Students will read a pasuk about each grain or fruit, review the blessing for eating that food, and have the opportunity to consider additional midrashim about shivat haminim. Printable Lesson:  5307lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Game Board - 11x17 format Game Board - 8.5x11 format (2 sheets to be taped together) Scorecard

Going Wild!

The article discusses a new approach that some zoos use to betteraddress the needs and welfare of animals in captivity. In this lesson, studentswill use Jewish sources to develop the mission statement of a zoo. $0.00$0.00  Lace up your hiking boots, slip on a broad-brimmed hat, and get out your binoculars- we're going on safari. "The rabbis taught: One who sees an elephant or monkey says, 'Blessed is God Who varies the creations.' One who sees...beautiful creatures says, 'Blessed is God, that there is such in God's world.'" Talmud, Berakhot 58b Lesson Summary:  Students will develop a mission statement for a zoo that shows how tza'ar ba'alei hayyim is applied to planning for animals in captivity. Printable Lesson:  5305lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Hebrew - Printable Page Additional Resources:  Michigan's Binder Park Zoo The Tisch Family Zoological Gardens in Jerusalem

Torah Page 547

This text is especially appropriate for study during the week of Parashat Bereshit or when studying Creation with your students.  The lesson provides the basis for a family discussion, classroom analysis, or Shabbat se rvice act i v i ty. $0.00$0.00The animals of the world were not created in God's image, whereas we humans were created in God's image so that we could protect God's creations. Respecting animals is doing a mitzvah. --Sam Shaffer You can easily be a righteous person toward your animal by walking the animal, feeding it, showing love for it, or helping it when it is hurt or when it is in need. -- Dana Hopkins Righteous people place someone or something else before themselves. When you do this, you stop thinking about yourself and show the true morals that the Torah talks about. Lesson Summary:  Students will examine part of Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5: At the time of creation, only one person was created in order to teach us that for the sake of peace, no one should say to another person, "My ancestor was greater than your ancestor." Printable Lesson:  2303lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Questions Worksheet

Journey to a Lost World

In this article, students read about Hai Bar Biblical Wildlife Reserve in Israel where tourists gaze at exotic animals that filled the desert years ago. In this lesson, students explore Jewish texts on conservation, research biblical references to animals, and create a classroom biblical wildlife reserve.  $0.00$0.00  Lesson Summary:  Students will create a classroom Biblical wildlife reserve after studying about conservation and researching Biblical references to animals. Printable Lesson:  5308lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet (printable) Additional Resources:  Torah thoughts about animals and zoos A reference guide to animals in the Tanakh

Ari Fleischer: Speaking for the President

  After reading an interview with former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, students will role-play scenarios in which speech is fundamental to the dilemma. This exercise will help them evaluate how language is important in politics and other careers. This lesson would be an excellent complement in an election year such as 2012!  $0.00$0.00  "Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable before You, O God." Psalms 19:15 Lesson Summary:  Students will role-play scenarios related to different careers in which speech is fundamental. They will then evaluate the role that language plays in politics and other careers. Printable Lesson:  4304lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Scenarios Worksheet Additional Resources:  Article from the New Yorker: The White House Press Briefings site:

A Picture Worth More than a Thousand Words

Read about how one innovative artist used a technique called micography to make an artistic tribute to 9/11. $0.00$0.00From afar, Daniel Miller's drawing appears to be a simple picture of the Twin Towers, reaching high into the sky. But closer up, the pen-and-ink drawing by the 15-year-old student at the Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy in Rockville, Maryland, reveals that it has much more to say. What appear from a distance to be black lines are actually letters spelling out the names of the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Also embedded in the illustration are Daniel's personal dedication and six poems inspired by the tragedy, most of them written by other teenagers.

Vocal Cords

This article describes how, biologically, humans are able to speak. It emphasizes that language can be hurtful to others and therefore people must be conscious of the power of speech. Students will discuss various uses of the power of speech and how we can use this gift in a responsible manner. $0.00$0.00Now, Hear This Sean Shannon is one of the world's fastest talkers. He can speak an average of 655 words per minute. That's about 11 words per second! In 1988, Simon Robinson of Australia broke the world's record for the loudest scream. At 128 decibels, his scream was almost as loud as a jet engine! Don Reynolds broke the world's record for the longest yodel in 1980, when he yodeled for 7 hours and 29 minutes! More Than Hot Air "My God, open my lips and my mouth will tell of Your praises." Psalms 51:17 Lesson Summary:  Students will discuss various uses of the power of speech, including ways that we can use speech in a responsible manner. Printable Lesson:  4306lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation: Words Can Heal, an initiative to eliminate verbal violence, curb gossip and promote the healing power of words to enhance relationships at every level:

Tears & Testimony

Through its videotaped oral histories, the Shoah Foundation is helping survivors of the Holocaust tell their stories so that it will aid the survivors’ healing and teach future generations. In this lesson, students will learn how to conduct their own oral history interview as a means for opening channels of communication between family generations. $0.00$0.00Remember what happened to me, and let my testimony teach you about the consequences of hatred. Survivors of the Holocaust Speak Out "Incline your ears and go to Me; listen and your souls will live." Isaiah 55:3 Lesson Summary:  Students will learn how to conduct their own oral history interview as a means for opening channels of communication between family generations. Printable Lesson:  4308lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Pages of Testimony Interviewing Techniques Additional Resources:  The definitive Jewish Genealogy resource A list of several hundred Jewish Genealogy Links, cross-indexed by subject

Torah Page 544

Help your  students probe the meaning of averse from Ecclesiastes and consider its relevance to their lives. $0.00$0.00Once I butted into my friend's business when I should have stayed silent. A minute later I thought, "Wait a minute. Why did I say that?" Rebecca Stanley When a friend does a bad action, I think one should speak out and let them know it is wrong. Tracy Gilmour One main thought comes to mind: "Keep your mouth shut when you can't find anything good to say." If you have something to say that will advance a conversation, then say it, but otherwise don't try to start a conversation because it's not going to get you anywhere. Lesson Summary:  Students will study the verse from Ecclesiastes and consider its relevance to their lives. Printable Lesson:  4303lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Questions Worksheet

Pressed for Information: Are There Limits to a Free Press?

How far can journalists go in their quest for the truth? Balancing Jewish values with the need to inform or protect the public requires caraful thought.  Give students a list of proposed articles to help them clarify the values in the matter. $0.00$0.00  During the intensive investigation to find the serial snipers who terrorized the Washington, D.C., area in October, law-enforcement officials criticized the media for revealing an important piece of evidence. Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose snapped, "I have not received any message that the citizens want Channel 9 to solve this case." SEEK THE TRUTH AND REPORT IT Lesson Summary:  Students will study Jewish texts and evaluate fictitious headlines as a means of engaging in the debate about the media's responsibility to keep the public well informed. Printable Lesson:  4301lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Headlines Worksheet

Fred Medill: Stars in His Eyes

Meet Fred Medill, who as a teen interviewed celebrities, and prided himself on dignified reporting. Your students will learn how to use speech to help others in this lesson. $0.00$0.00Fred Medill, teenage host of his own Internet show, stakes out a spot along the plush red carpet. He jockeys for position among the crush of reporters who are covering the Hollywood premiere of Like Mike, the sports fantasy starring rapper Lil Bow Wow. Video-cameramen knock Fred on the head with their heavy equipment, but the 16-year-old wonder kid doesn't budge. He's determined to interview the movie's pint-sized star, who plays an orphan who realizes his dream to be a basketball superstar. "There is speech that is like the piercing of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." Proverbs 12:18 Lesson Summary:  Students will learn how to use the power of speech to help others by fulfilling the mitzvah of bikur holim. Printable Lesson:  4302lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Bikur Holim Brochure Ideas Additional Resources:  An organization that helps children who are ill:

Curbing Catcalls in the Knesset

Read about how students in Israel participate in an English language debate club in order to learn how to politely disagree, setting an example for the Israeli government! $0.00$0.00  Hot tempers and verbal violence in the Knesset sometimes make Israel's legislative body sound more like an unruly crowd at a wrestling match, than the thoughtful, democratic institution it is. As with other democracies, effective government in Israel requires well-mannered debates where members can disagree with each other without being rude or hostile. Unfortunately, political disputes in the Knesset don't always follow the rules. A group of Israeli teens, who are learning the art of argumentation and debate, are determinded to change that. Lesson Summary:  Students will discuss how proper and improper speech can affect the outcome of debates and arguments. Students will participate in a simple simulated debate and study texts to understand the rabbinic concept of mahloket. Printable Lesson:  4307lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  Knesset Web Site

Up, Up, and Away

Read about how Jews in Israel and America launched prayers tied to balloons into the heavens on the first night of Hanukkah while raising money for a good cause. $0.00$0.00It could have been called the Festival of Balloons. Last year, on the first night of Hanukkah, more than a thousand blue, helium-filled balloons floated into the skies over Jerusalem. Attached to the string of each biodegradable balloon was a single piece of paper with a prayer.

The Miracle of Hanukkah

Read about a different miracle of Hanukkah each night after you light the hanukkiyah. In class, discuss the meaning of the word miracle and study Jewish texts, both ancient and modern, about the definition of miracles and how they relate to us today. $0.00$0.00The second blessing that we say before we light the holiday candles praises God for the miracles of Hanukkah. "Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, Who performed miracles for our ancestors in those days, in this time." What ARE the miracles of Hanukkah? Below are several explanations. Read a different one each night after you light the hanukkiyah. Members of your family can add their own thoughts, too. Lighting the Hanukkiyah Lesson Summary:  Through discussion, text study and group project presentations, the students will gain a broader understanding of the definition of a "miracle" and how it relates to us today. Printable Lesson:  3307lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  3307sources.pdf

Eilat's Bounty of Beauty

The article about the underwater observatory in Eilat discusses the beauty and diversity of the world and God’s creations, namely the bounty of marine life in the Red Sea. In this lesson, students will play a game of Scattergories and study Jewish texts to recognize the vastness and variety of God’s creations. $0.00$0.00Imagine that you've stumbled upon an alien visitor to Earth. The creature is busy gathering information about life on our planet, when suddenly, one of its 100 blinking eyes spies you. The odd-looking intruder snatches you up in its slippery, jelly like arms, and whisks you away to a hidden starship. Once aboard the vessel, the extraterrestrial treats you with respect and a keen sense of curiosity. It's clear that it simply wants to ask you about the diversity of life on the planet. Too bad that the foreigner from outer space grabbed you- a landlubber! "How many are the things you have made, O God; you have made them all with wisdom: the Earth is full of your creations." Psalms 104:24 Lesson Summary:  Students will recognize the vast diversity of God’s creation by playing a categories game. Printable Lesson:  3306lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Berakhot Sheet Animal Kingdom Categories Game Templates Additional Resources:  The Eilat Underwater Observatory


Pulling a rabbit out of a hat or bringing the Israelites out of Egypt -- which is magic, and which relied on miracles?  Understand the difference between magic and miracles through creative exploration og the Bible's miracles. $0.00$0.00With magic, what you see isn't what you get! "And the Egyptian magicians did so with their secret arts to bring forth lice, but they could not." Shemot 8:14 Lesson Summary:  Students play a drawing game to help them better understand the difference between real miracles and the tricks performed by the magicians in Pharaoh’s court. Printable Lesson:  3305lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Magic vs. Miracle Worksheet

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