
Pioneers in Petah Tikvah

Hannah Burnett writes about the  experiences of her family in the early days of the first yishuv and the risks they faced to realize their dreams. Students will put themselves in the shoes of the pioneers in order to understand their values and motivations, learning how the z'rizut, initiative, of these leaders helped change their circumstances and society. $0.00$0.00  "I will give her vineyards from there and the Valley of Akhor as a gate of hope. There she shall respond as in the days of her youth, when she came up from the land of Egypt. Hosea 2:17 Lesson Summary:  Students will explore the role of z'rizut, taking initiative, in the establishment of the State of Israel. Students will understand the role that risk plays in z'rizut, and examine the function of z'rizut in leadership and in creating positive change in society. Printable Lesson:  8309lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Sources Additional Resources:  History about early settlement in Israel and an additional excerpt from Hannah's memoir

Shawn Green Steps Up to the Plate

In this article about Jewish basketball star Shawn Green, students will have the opportunity to read about an athlete who has taken initiative both in baseball and in volunteer organizational work. The accompanying lesson focuses on the importance of taking initiative. Through participation in a game and discussion of the game’s results, students will explore the value of taking initative . $0.00$0.00  "Roasted chicken doesn't just fly into your mouth." Yiddish Proverb Lesson Summary:  Students will participate in a game and discuss its results in order to deepen their understanding of the relationship between hard work and z’rizut. Printable Lesson:  8304lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Remembering Ilan Ramon

A tribute to Ilan Ramon, the first Israeli astronaut. $0.00$0.00  Throughout the world, Jews are mourning the loss of Colonel Ilan Ramon- Israel's first astronaut, who died tragically when the space shuttle Columbia exploded on February 1. In our Kislev issue, BABAGANEWZ spoke with Ramon prior to the launch. He expressed his excitement about space travel and his love for the Jewish community, saying that as an Israeli astronaut he wanted to represent all Jews. Despite Ramon's untimely death, his hope for unity among the Jewish people and for scientific discovery lives on.

Make 'Em Laugh: What a Story!

Two jokes: an Israeli skier in a slalom race and a man with perfect vision. $0.00$0.00A Slalom Race As you may know, in a slalom race the skier must pass through about 20 "gates" in the fastest time. Well, it happened that Israel had the fastest slalom skier in the world and had great expectations for an Olympic gold medal. On the day of the final, the crowd waited in anticipation. The French champion sped down the course in 38 seconds. The Swiss in 38.7 seconds, the German in 38.8 seconds, and the Italian in 39.1 seconds. Next came the Israeli's turn. The crowd waited, and waited...SIX MINUTES!!!

Purim Knock Knocks

Some knock-knock jokes to spread a little Purim joy. $0.00$0.00These jokes and funny bits are sure to spread a smile and lighten the heart. Knock! Knock! Who's there? Haman. Haman who? Haman, what are you doing after school? Knock! Knock! Who's there? Vashti. Vashti who? Vashti dishes for me, and I'll give you a hamantaschen. Knock! Knock! Who's there? Esther. Esther who? Esther an end to these silly knock-knock jokes?

Hogwarts Graduates Overtake Shushan

Your students will enjoy this  retelling of the Purim story - Harry Potter style! $0.00$0.00It happened in the days of Ahashverosh, king of 127 provinces from Shushan to Hogwarts. Ahashverosh held a huge banquet to celebrate Gryffindor winning the House Cup. The Royal Palace and its Great Hall were beautifully decorated with fine linens of Mordechai, her secret keeper. As long as he kept mum, no one would know.

Make 'Em Laugh: At the Movies

Some funny Jewish-inspired plays on movie titles. $0.00$0.00Can you link our humorous movie titles with their descriptions? 1. Sleepy Hallah 2. Stuart Ladle 3. Mun on the Moon 4. The Creature from the Black Latke 5. The Six Cents A. An overdone potato pancake turns into a monster. B. A mouse makes chicken soup for Shabbat. C. On Friday night, a father fills up on bread and dozes off. D. Three Jews each put in their two-cents' worth. E. Astronauts discover hamantaschen filling, not green cheese, on the lunar surface.

Make 'Em Laugh: Riddle Me This

Enjoy these great jokes. $0.00$0.00What's the fruitiest class?Jewish history, because it's full of dates. Why did the boy take an umbrella with him to the Megillah reading?It was "purim" outside! What's the blessing for chewing bubble gum in the sukkah?Leishev bazooka! When is a dog fully mature?After it has a bark-mitzvah! How do we know that baseball was on God's mind during the creation?The Torah teaches, "In the big inning, God created the heaven and the earth." What time of day was Adam born?

The Race for President: Lieberman Leads the Democratic Pack

Jews played an important role in the 2004 race for President. Learn the history of Jewish political involvement in America, and explore the making of a Jewish political leader through text study and discussion. $0.00$0.00  On January 13, 2003, Senator Joseph Lieberman announced that he is seeking the Democratic Party nomination for president. His historic decision signals the end of a long struggle by American Jews for full participation in the political system. "I'm not running on my faith," Lieberman said. "But my faith is at the center of who I am, and I'm not going to conceal that." BREAKING DOWN POLITICAL BARRIERS Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will engage in text study and discussion to explore the making of a Jewish political leader. Printable Lesson:  7301lesson.pdf

Michael Glouberman: Laughing Out Loud

In the article about Michael Glouberman, the comedy writer describes how his use of humor can spread laughter and help others achievesimhah. In this lesson, students will explore how their use of humor can affect the spirits of others in either a beneficial or detrimental way. Through discussion, text study, and role-play, the students will discover positive uses of humor/ $0.00$0.00  "God's spirit fills only hearts that are joyous." Talmud Yerushalmi, Sukkah 5:1 Lesson Summary:  Students will explore how their use of humor can affect the spirits of others in either a beneficial or detrimental way. Through discussion, text study and role-play, students will discover the most positive uses of humor for their interactions with others. Printable Lesson:  7304lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Celebrating in the Shadow of Despair

Read about how two teens and their families found a way to celebrate in the midst of tragedy. The lesson will held students focus on the ways that their families can mark happy milestones even during times of national sadness. $0.00$0.00  "Let there be rejoicing at the time of rejoicing and mourning at the time of mourning." Bereishit Rabbah 27:4 Lesson Summary:  Students will focus on the actions that can be taken at times of tragedy that can also bring comfort to an entire nation. Printable Lesson:  7305lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  Michal’s family’s organization that helps the families of victims of terror


Polygraph tests monitor bodily responses to detect whether the subject is lying or telling the truth.  Justice can't be measured and it is rarely black and white. With the help of a tsedek values barometer, students will learn to balance justice and mercy $0.00$0.00The Truth About Lies In the 1800s, scientists believed they could identify liars by examining the shapes of their skulls and the bumps on their heads. Police interrogators in the early 1900s gave criminal suspects a "truth serum" in an attempt to make them relaxed enough that they would drop their guard and tell the truth. Airports may one day be equipped with thermal imaging cameras, measuring the heat around our eyes, to determine whether someone is lying to a security official.   "Execute justice, and show mercy and compassion." Zecharia 7:9 Lesson Summary:  Students will discuss the ways in which the pursuit of truth both defines and limits justice and will determine Judaism's "justice quotient”--how Judaism tries to strike a balance between strict adherence to the law and mercy. Printable Lesson:  6307lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Tzedek Values Barometer Worksheet Additional Resources:  Halachic Discussion of the Use of Polygraphs

The Road to Freedom

Read this article about a Jewish Freedom Rider and explore the value of social justice in Jewish tradition. The accompanying lesson will help you teach your students how their individual contributions on behalf of a cause can help effect change and bring about social justice. $0.00$0.00  "You who know not be discouraged when others insult you and say hurtful things." Isaiah 51:7 Lesson Summary:  Students will explore modern parallels to the Freedom Rides and consider how their individual contributions can help effect change and bring about social justice. Printable Lesson:  6308lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  Social Action Ideas and Opportunities

Talia Kravitz: Working for a Just Cause

Read how a Justice committee decides the fates of students involved in a playground argument and help your students to explore the benefits and application of such a committee in their daily lives. . $0.00$0.00It happened during recess at the Talmud Torah Day School in St. Paul, Minnesota. A fresh snow blanketed the playground. Oddly enough, that peaceful winter wonderland triggered a series of actions that turned student against student, and ultimately ended up in "court." "What does God require of you? Only to do justice and love kindness." Micah 6:8 Lesson Summary:  Students will explore the benefits and applications of a va'ad din. Printable Lesson:  6302lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

A Walk Through History

This creative article takes students on a walking tour of Jerusalem, following in the footsteps of Judaism's great tzaddikim (righteous people). In the accompanying lesson, students will become more familiar with Jerusalem, deepen their connections with the city, and learn about Jewish personalities considered to be tzaddikim. Teach this lesson around Yom Yerushalayim to heighten students' awareness of the city's history, or as a part of a whole unit or course about Israel.  $0.00$0.00  As I grabbed my CD player and stormed out the door, I heard my mom hollering at me: "Think about it, Molly, and do the right thing." She has been giving me that advice since I was in second grade; you see, my mother believes in the power of tzaddikim (righteous people). According to the Talmud, there are 36 hidden tzaddikim in the world at all times. They spend their lives helping people, and without them the world would perish. Because these tzaddikim are unknown, my mom says that we should always act as if we were one of them. "And they that lead the many to righteousness will be like the stars for ever and ever." Daniel 12:3 Lesson Summary:  Students will learn about Jewish personalities known as tzaddikim and will explore the idea of what makes a person a tzaddik (a righteous person). Printable Lesson:  6309lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Making the Right Call

Take  a look at the role instant replay technology plays in professional sports and play a game with your students to help them recognize the need for fair rules of play. This article and activity will help you to teach that the Jewish concept of tzedek embraces more than “justice,” or even “correctness,” but also includes a sense of balance and equity. $0.00$0.00  Lesson Summary:  Students will play a game to help them determine the need for fair, clear rules of play. They will explore how the concept of tzedek relates to this issue. Printable Lesson:  6305lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Is Affirmative Action Fair?

The current events article addresses the question of how affirmative action is viewed from a Jewish perspective. Using a graphic organizer, students will further explore that question in this lesson. They will study Jewish texts, articulate their positions, and evaluate affirmative action in terms of tzedek, justice.   $0.00$0.00  Do you think it's fair that minority students receive special advantages when they apply to college? The University of Michigan thinks it's all right, but opponents of the university's affirmative action program disagree. In fact, three white students sued the school because they were rejected and less-qualified minority applicants admitted instead. The U.S. Supreme Court will decide the controversial case this year. WHAT IS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION? Lesson Summary:  Using a graphic organizer, students will explore and evaluate affirmative action in terms of tzedek, justice. Printable Lesson:  6301lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Visual Organizer Biblical Sources Additional Resources:  Timeline of Affirmative Action milestones The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding

The Ball's in Your Court

Find out what Jewish law would have decided when two men go to court over ownership of a Barry Bonds home run baseball. $0.00$0.00  When baseball superstar Barry Bonds hit his record-breaking 73rd home run in October 2001, two fans claimed possession of the historic ball- which is estimated to be worth $1 million. "I caught the ball," said Alex Popov, "but then I was mugged." Patrick Hayashi, on the other hand, claimed he owned the ball: "I plucked the ball from the ground after being pushed there by the mob." With neither man willing to budge, they took their case to court.

Justice Stephen Breyer: In Pursuit of Justice

Read this interview with Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. Your students will explore the role of the Supreme Court in seeking and determining justice, reflecting upon Jewish values, principles, and practices. $0.00$0.00  "You shall administer truth, justice, and peace within your gates." Zechariah 8:16 Lesson Summary:  Students will explore the role of the Supreme Court in seeking and determining justice, and how that exercise reflects Jewish values, principles and practices. Printable Lesson:  6304lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  Lyrics to Debbie Friedman's Im Ein Ani Li Jewish Justices of the Supreme Court, Slater, Elinor and Robert. Great Jewish Men, Middle Village, N.Y: Jonathan David Publishers, 1996. Great Jewish Women, Middle Village, N.Y: Jonathan David Publishers, 1994. U.S. Supreme Court General Introduction to the Talmud Hillel’s Sayings

The "Practice" of Pursuing Justice

Camryn Manheim, star of television's "The Practice," also seeks justice in the real world.  Read about her participation s in Bet Tzedek, a law firm that offers free legal aid to those who can't afford it. $0.00$0.00On TV's "The Practice," Camryn Manheim stars as Ellenor, a strong-headed lawyer who ensures that everyone has his or her day in court. In real life, the Jewish celebrity also pursues justice. She serves as a spokesperson for Bet Tzedek, a nonprofit law firm that provides free legal services for the poor and disabled residents of Los Angeles County. Bet Tzedek- which is Hebrew for "house of justice"- assists more than 10,000 clients a year- regardless of their religious affiliation.

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