
Kite Flying on Sukkot

Read about students in Columbus who  have incorporated kites into their celebration of Sukkot! $0.00$0.00Students at the Columbus Jewish Day School in New Albany, Ohio, still shake the lulav and etrog to commemorate Sukkot, but three years ago the school adopted another way to celebrate the holiday--kite flying. Each Sukkot, nearly 100 colorful kites dance in the blue skies near the school, creating a powerful reminder of the forces of nature and recalling a prayer we recite on Sukkot.

Raising Their Voices in Solidarity

Voices for Israel has worked to come up with an anthem that unites the whole Jewish community - do you think they have succeeded? Discussion questions emphasize the message of the song. $0.00$0.00  Fifty Jewish recording artists recently teamed up for the most ambitious project in Jewish music- all to the tune of showing solidarity for Israel. The musicians joined together to produce the two-CD set "Voices for Israel," which features the largest gathering ever of diverse Jewish musicians, including Dan Nichols, Rick Recht, SAFAM, and Shlock Rock. Additional PDFs:  Discussion Questions Source Sheet Additional Resources:  Voices for Israel "Chazak Amenu" music video

Face-Off at Emek Ha'Elah

This article describes the confrontation that happened between David and Goliath atEmek HaElah. Through role play and dramatic reading, students will understand therole that Israel's geography played in this confrontation. In addition,students will use the information about Emek HaElah to better understand the deepfaith that David had in God which enabled him to confront and defeat Goliath. $0.00$0.00  "Just one more step and I'll be there," you think as you scramble to the top of Tel Azekah. After a half-hour hike uphill, you're panting heavily and your legs are throbbing. But as you reach the top, you get a second wind and race toward the overlook. You gaze down at Emek HaElah, the fertile valley where David stood defiantly against Goliath, where courage overcame fear, and where the people of Israel discovered a king. "Saul and the men of Israel gathered and camped in the Valley of Elah. They drew up their lines of battle against the Philistines." I Samuel 17:2 Lesson Summary:  Through role play and dramatic reading, students will understand the role that the geography of the Land of Israel played in this confrontation. In addition, students will use the information about Emek HaElah to better understand the deep faith that David had in God which enabled him to confront and defeat Goliath. Printable Lesson:  8407lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet 8407quiz.pdf Discussion Sheet I Samuel 17 Script in Hebrew I Samuel 17 Script in English Suggestions for Biblical Charades

Fencing Out Terrorism

This article summarizes the challenges posed for Israelis and Palestinians by the security fence. Students will use group activities, discussion, and text study to clarify Jewish values of protection and the pursual of peace. Students will analyze the issues and explain their reasoning as they make policy choices on Israel’s security fence. $0.00$0.00  Lesson Summary:  Students use experiential group activities, discussion, and text study to clarify Jewish values of protection and of pursuing peace. Students analyze the issues and explain their reasoning as they make policy choices on Israel’s building a security fence. Printable Lesson:  8401lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  The American-Israel Cooperative Enterprise Jewish Agency for Israel/Department for Jewish Zionist Education Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Katharina Galor: Raider of the Lost Artifacts

Join in a one-on-one chat with Katharina Galor, Israeli Archaeologist Extraordinaire! $0.00$0.00Katharina steps out of an ancient mikvah that was excavated in the Lower Galilee. Indiana Jones, archaeology professor by day and adventurer by night, explored the world in search of rare artifacts while dodging bullets, boulders, poisonous snakes, and murderous rivals. Why? Because he was searching for the secrets of history and ancient civilizations buried deep beneath the earth. "[Israel is] a land whose every stone symbolizes past effort and hope for the future." Max Nordau (Zionist Leader 1849-1923) Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students become archaeologists in their own communities by learning how to read the clues of the past as a means to uncovering lessons from history. Students will examine their own community and will also decide what artifacts they would want to leave as their legacy to future generations. Printable Lesson:  Lesson Plan Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Sources to Study

Eyewitness to History

This article shares the story of one paratrooper in the IDF, Ya’akov Katz, who retells his experiences during the reunification of Jerusalem in the 1967 Six Day War . In this lesson, students will explore the centrality of Jerusalem in Judaism and create mizrah. wall hangings to express Jerusalem’s importance. $0.00$0.00From his office on Rehov Shivtei Yisrael in Jerusalem, Ya'akov Katz sees the Old City and Har Habayit (the Temple Mount, where God's Holy Sanctuary once stood). The view always thrills him, but today, the panorama stirs his memories of the battle for Jerusalem. Once again, he smells the burnt gunpowder of artillery shells, and hears the sharp crackle of gunfire. Lesson Summary:  Students will explore the centrality of Jerusalem in Judaism and in Jewish life. Students will learn about the impact that the 1967 Six Day War had on Jerusalem. Printable Lesson:  8408lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Inspirational Jerusalem Texts Yerushalayim shel Zahav Song Lyrics Additional Resources:  Links about Yom Yerushalayim and Jerusalem: History of the battle at Givat HaTahmoshet:

Dead Sea

In this article, students read about the lowest point on the planet, the Dead Sea, and learn of the rich minerals extracted from the region. In this lesson, students will conduct an experiment to demonstrate how the percentage of salinity in water affects buoyancy; study Jewish texts that provide the traditional explanation for the Dead Sea’s salinity; and consider the relationship between the Biblical story of the Dead Sea region and its geography. $0.00$0.00Dead-on Facts *The Dead Sea is the lowest point on Earth, located 1,312 feet below sea level. *The air above the Dead Sea contains 6 to 8 percent more oxygen molecules per cubic meter than sea-level air, helping patients with lung disease breathe easier. *The Dead Sea contains about ten times more salt than the ocean, making it almost impossible for life forms to survive there. This salt also makes it easy to float without even trying. A Mother Lode of Marvelous Minerals "God waters the Land of Israel, and Gid waters the rest of the world through a messenger." Talmid, Ta'anit 10a Lesson Summary:  Students will conduct an experiment to demonstrate how the percentage of salinity in water affects buoyancy; study Jewish texts that provide the traditional explanation for the Dead Sea’s salinity; and consider the relationship between the Biblical story of the Dead Sea region and its geography. Printable Lesson:  8405lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Eric Schachar's Wild Israeli Ride

Read about a young man who chose to explore the Land of Israelfrom the seat of a bicycle rather than from a seat on a tour bus. After reading the article, your  studentswill create an itinerary for a trip to Israel and study Jewish texts to help them consider the added benefits of experiencing Israel on foot—or bike. $0.00$0.00While he rode his bicycle through the Negev Desert, Eric Schachar felt the sun scorching his shoulders and the warm desert wind whipping his face. "The air was so dry that my sweat evaporated immediately," he recalls, "making the temperature feel cooler than it really was." Deceived by the weather, Eric pedaled unknowingly into danger. "Anyone who walks even as little as four cubits in the Land of Israel is assured that he or she is destined for the World to Come." Talmud, Ketubot 111a Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will create the itinerary for a trip to Israel and study Jewish texts to help them consider the added benefits of experiencing Israel on foot – or bike. Printable Lesson:  8402lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Brochure Instruction Sheet Brochure Template Additional Resources:  The Arava Institute Hazon Bike Ride The "International Alyn Charity Bike Ride" to raise funds for children treated at Alyn Hospital

Let's Go to Israel Now!

View the submissions of the winners of the Salute to Israel Advertising Campaign $0.00$0.00BABAGANEWZ applauds the winners and the 350 other students who entered our Salute to Israel Advertising Campaign Contest. We hope their creative words and images will inspire you to visit Israel soon. GRAND-PRIZE JINGLE WINNER ALEXANDRA KUGLERFourth-grader at Bet Shraga Hebrew Academy in Albany, New York My Trip to Israel (To the tune of "I'm a Believer")

A Picture Perfect Hobby

This article highlights how photography enhances and popularizes outdoor activities. In the lesson, students will deepen their connection to Israel as they view photographs of Israel and create their own "verbal photographs" by writing photo poems.  $0.00$0.00  What's the best way for Israeli teens to see their country's vast landscapes? Pack a camera in their backpack, hit the road, and focus on the Land of Milk and Honey through a lens. Whether chasing a rare bird up an Ein Gedi canyon or hovering over a motionless bee in the Arava, Israeli teens find landscape photography not only challenging, but a unique way to appreciate Eretz Yisrael. Lesson Summary:  In the lesson, students will view photographs of Israel and create their own "verbal photographs" by writing photo poems. Printable Lesson:  8406lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Photo Poems Instruction Sheet Bibliography Additional Resources:  Photographs of Israel:

It's a Hit!

Read about the historic creation of a collection of baseball cards all depicting Jewish players. $0.00$0.00A new set of baseball cards is sure to be a collectors' item among Jewish fans of America's favorite pastime- all 142 players depicted are Jewish. The cards feature every Jewish player to suit up for the major leagues since 1871, including sports legends Hank Greenberg and Sandy Koufax.

Fighting Modern-Day Slavery

OLearning about modern-day slavery will heighten students' appreciation of freedom.  Some students aren't just reading about it--they are actively helping to free slaves and raise awareness of the problem. After studying classical texts on pidyon shivuyim, redeeming captives, classes can make decisions on the best actions to take when fighting slavery. $0.00$0.00  "In each generation, every individual should feel as though he or she had actually been redeemed from Egypt." Pesach Haggadah Lesson Summary:  Students will heighten their appreciation for herut, both physical and spiritual, and become more sensitive to the value of pidyon shevuyim, redeeming captives, as well as the difficulties involved in its implementation. Printable Lesson:  7408lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Avadim Hayinu lyrics Additional Resources:  Extensive information about endeavors to end slavery, with lesson plans and education initiatives: RUGMARK Activities for Students Avadim Hayinu on the jPod

Danielle Charlap

See how being a camp counselor brings a girl back to her Jewish roots. $0.00$0.00  The flames of the braided, multi-wick candle crackled in the summer air. Light danced across the faces of counselor and camper alike. Huddled together as darkness descended, the Jewish campers from the Ukraine and their Jewish counselors from America chanted the Havdalah blessings, marking the end of the last Shabbat they would spend together. "As for the one who does not know how to ask, you must begin the conversation for that one." Pesach Haggadah Lesson Summary:  Through reading this article and doing the accompanying lesson, students will explore the theme of freedom as it relates to knowledge and education. They will focus on the idea that Jews are only free to practice their religion when they know how to practice Judaism.  This lesson can be connected to a unit on Soviet Jewry or to a unit on freedom which may be connected to Pesach. . Printable Lesson:  7402lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Discussion Worksheet Additional Resources:  Activities for Students: Article in Hebrew

Downhill Freedom

The article explains the risks mountain bikers take to experience the feeling offreedom when they ride. Students will play a game that places them in a risky(but safe) situation that encourages reflection on risk-taking behavior and theimportance of protecting one’s body. $0.00$0.00Mud sprays in your face as you tear across the mountain trail. You leap over tree roots, dodge a giant boulder, and weave among the fir trees. You shift your weight, switch gears, and pump your legs. You head toward a drop at 40 miles per hour and soar six feet in the air. Welcome to the thrilling world of mountain biking! "The sea saw them and fled...the mountains shaped like rams." Psalms 114:3-4 Lesson Summary:  Students will play a game that places them in a risky (but safe) situation that encourages reflection on risk-taking behavior and the importance of protecting one’s body. Printable Lesson:  7406lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Prisoner Swap Provokes Debate

A lopsided prisoner swap, heavily weighted in favor of Israel's enemies, ignites a fierce debate.  Discussion and values clarification exercises will help students clarify the conflict between the Jewish values of redeeming captives and saving lives.  $0.00$0.00The Israeli government released 437 Arab terrorists in January as part of a controversial prisoner exchange with Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. In return, Hezbollah freed one Israeli hostage and released the remains of three Israeli soldiers who were killed three years ago. Lesson Summary:  Through discussion and values clarification exercises, students will recognize the high value placed on pidyon shevuyim, redeeming captives, by the Israeli government and understand the real risks and limitations involved when negotiating deals to release captives. Printable Lesson:  7401lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet


Read and think about dreams with your students. Through role-playing, reading the  article, and studying Jewish texts, this lesson allows students to think about the role of dreams in their own lives and to compare different understandings of the function of dreams. $0.00$0.00 IN YOUR DREAMS The melody for the Beatles' song "Yesterday" came to Paul McCartney in a dream in 1965. "I liked the melody a lot," he said, "but because I'd dreamed it, I couldn't believe I'd written it." Author Stephen King gets many of the ideas for his novels from his dreams. "A person is shown in a dream only what is suggested by his or her own thoughts." Berakhot 55b Lesson Summary:  Through role-playing, reading the BabagaNewz article, and studying Jewish texts, this lesson allows students to think about the role of dreams in their own lives and to compare different understandings of the function of dreams. Printable Lesson:  Lesson Plan Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Scenarios

Krazy About Lenny Krayzelburg

Introduce your students to Olympic swimmer Lenny Krayzelburg who emigrated from the Soviet Union to the United States. In the accompanying lesson, students will explore the themes of freedom and independence through several Jewish texts and will gain a greater appreciation for the freedom they enjoy in the United States or Canada.  $0.00$0.00  "[The parents' obligations include] even teaching their child to swim. What is the reason? It is the child's life." Talmud, Kiddushin 30b Lesson Summary:  Students will study swimming as a metaphor for independence, appreciate the freedoms they experience as citizens of a democratic country, and explore the difference between “freedom from” oppression and “freedom to” act in particular ways. Printable Lesson:  7405lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  "Krazy for Krayzelburg: An Olympic Champion"

Aboard the Exodus: Setting Sail for Freedom's Shore

Share the powerful story of the Exodus with your students. In the accompanying lesson, students will compare the Exodus from Egypt to the 1947 Exodus in order to understand the connection between freedom and Israel. Students will also explore how groups of people working together have the power to affect the course of history. This lesson can be taught around Pesach-time, as part of a unit or course on Israel, or as a way to connect the Book of Exodus to modern times. $0.00$0.00  "It is this promise that has stood by our ancestors and all ages they rise up against us...; and God, the Blessed One, rescues us from their hands." Ve'hi She'amdah, Pesach Haggadah Lesson Summary:  Through a comparison of the Exodus from Egypt and the Exodus 1947, students will understand the connection between freedom and the Land of Israel. Students will also understand that groups of everyday people working together for a common goal have the power to affect the course of history. Printable Lesson:  7407lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Aliyah Bet Worksheet Exodus Timeline Glossary of Terms Additional Resources:  Newsreel of the Exodus 1947 arriving in Haifa Exodus 1947: The Ship That Launched a Nation, by Ruth Gruber. New York: Times Book, 1999. A history and many photographs from different states of the Exodus 1947 voyage: A brief history of the S.S. St. Louis:

Going to Bat for Those in Need

Lindsay shares her passion for softball with others around the world. $0.00$0.00Twelve-year-old Lindsay Eichaker of St. Louis likes nothing better on a balmy spring day than to head outside to play softball. When Lindsay realized that in many poor countries, kids can't afford bats, balls, or mitts to play ball, she stepped up to the plate and started collecting donations of used softball equipment as part of her bat mitzvah project. The equipment will be sent to the International Softball Federation for distribution to needy kids everwhere from Argentina to Zimbabwe.

Pinball Wizard

The pinball machine that gives back. $0.00$0.00Can a game of pinball teach you about tzedakah? Yes, if you're playing on the Amazing Tzedakah Machine at Shalom Street, a new Jewish museum near Detroit. After pinball players insert a quarter, they watch the coin bounce and whirl through the machine- in place of the traditional silver ball. The quarter gets deflected by the machine's bumpers until it eventually falls into one of four flashing boxes, which represent different areas where kids can give tzedakah: hunger, health, education, and the environment.

Teach Israel

Experience Modern Israel

New from Behrman House. Fly to Israel without a plane ticket.

Discover Israel

Let's Discover Israel

Offer younger children an exciting and age-appropriate introduction to the Jewish homeland