
Get the Scoop on Jerry Greenfield

Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry's shares his  pride in his ice cream company's efforts to "go green." This lesson provides two activities to invite students to delve into the themes of the article. In the first activity, students will explore the ways in which Judaism teaches environmental consciousness and evaluate their school or synagogue for its efforts in environmental activism. In the second activity, students will enrich their exploration by comparing their favorite ice cream flavors to the Jewish perspective on the natural world.   $0.00$0.00Jerry Greenfield and Ben Cohen had failed at everything they tried to do. Ben wanted to be a potter, but nobody bought his pottery. Jerry wanted to be a doctor, but medical schools wouldn't accept him. Friends since junior high school, the two decided to try a new career based on something they both loved--ice cream. After taking a correspondence course in ice cream making, they opened the first Ben and Jerry's ice cream parlor in 1978 in Burlington, Vermont. ""Consider God's doing! Who can straighten what God has twisted?" Ecclesiastes 7:13 Lesson Summary:  This lesson provides two activities to invite students to delve into the themes of the article. In the first activity, students will explore the ways in which Judaism teaches an environmental consciousness and evaluate their school or synagogue for its efforts in environmental activism. In the second activity, students will enrich their exploration by comparing their favorite ice cream flavors to the Jewish perspective on the natural world in the second activity. Printable Lesson:  5504lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Environmental Checklist Ice Cream Cone Template Additional Resources:  About Ben and Jerry's environmental mission and endeavors: Ice Cream Trivia

Cashing In on Cartridges

Read about Cartridges for a Cure, a project that donates money to pediatric oncology research. $0.00$0.00  Those ink cartridges from your printer may be empty, but 13-year-old Eli Kahn knows they might hold the cure for cancer. A survivor of childhood leukemia, Eli, who attends Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Religious School in Baltimore, Maryland, wanted to give back to the hospital where he was successfully treated at age 3. He contacted a company that recycles ink cartridges, and it agreed to pay Eli a commission for every recycled cartridge, which he then donated to pediatric oncology research at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.

We Can Bring Two Worlds Together

Talk about this group of secular and religious Israeli teens with your students and how they learned that they're not as different from each other as they thought. The article relates the story of a small group of religious and secular Israeli teens collecting books for impoverished children who learn about each other, tolerance, and understanding in the process. In the accompanying lesson, students will practice active listening and will plan an inclusive Shabbat activity that shows respect for different types of Shabbat celebration. $0.00$0.00Hatikvah is a poverty-stricken neighborhood in Tel Aviv. Its streets are littered with garbage and its apartments scarred by neglect. Inside a tiny room here last summer, a small group of religious teens and an equally small group of their non-religious peers tore down corrosive walls. Their sweat, however, had nothing to do with construction. The walls they shattered were divisive stereotypes separating the dati (religiously observant) and hiloni (non-religious) communities since the birth of the Jewish state. "All of Israel are friends." Blessing for the New Month Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will practice active listening and will plan an inclusive Shabbat activity that shows respect for different types of Shabbat celebration. Printable Lesson:  4508lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Shabbat Activity Planner

Stopping Genocide in Sudan

What should be the Jewish response to atrocity? The article on Darfur allows students to consider methods of raising awareness of others' suffering and why they should not stand by. $0.00$0.00  Lesson Summary:  The lesson helps students understand why we as Jews should show concern for the situation in Sudan and encourages them to explore ways in which they can speak out and raise awareness about the plight of the Sudanese farmers. Printable Lesson:  4501lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Map of Sudan Additional Resources:  American Jewish World Service: Jews' moral obligation to help:$.asp

The Amazing Race - In Israel!

A different kind of race builds relationships between secular and religious teammates. $0.00$0.00Get set for a race around Israel with a unique bump in the road: Each pair of contestants consists of a dati (religiously observant) and hiloni (non-religious) Jew. Last summer's mega-hit on Israeli TV, "Sof HaDerech" ("The End of the Road"), pitted players against each other as they competed for a Toyota Land Cruiser Jeep. As they made their way around Israel, contestants were required to perform missions ranging from jumping out of a plane to finding someone to host them for lunch.

Standing Behind the Soldiers

A Jewish school in Atlanta lifted the spirits of an entire brigade of soldiers serving in Iraq as soon as they learned of the need. $0.00$0.00When Captain Moshe Scheinfeld asked the Jewish community to lift the spirits of American soldiers in Iraq, he received an answer--200 pounds worth! Scheinfeld, the only Jewish soldier in his battalion, e-mailed his brother a wish list of items that his comrades in the Devil Brigade needed. That e-mail eventually arrived in Reuven Travis' in-box. Travis, a teacher at the Greenfield Hebrew Academy (GHA) in Atlanta, mobilized students, teachers, and parents at GHA for a school-wide collection.

How Shabbat Affects Israel

Read about seven ways Shabbat affects Israel, including how Israel's first astronaut celebrated in space! $0.00$0.00 In Israel, Saturday is called "Yom Shabbat"--the Sabbath day. On Fridays in Jerusalem and other places in Israel, a city-wide siren signals the start of Shabbat. An Israeli radio station remains silent on Shabbat unless there is an emergency. There is no public bus service on Shabbat in Jerusalem and other places in Israel. Israel's first astronaut, Ilan Ramon (z"l), asked a rabbi to determine the proper time for him to celebrate Shabbat in space. When Israel Independence Day falls on a Friday or Saturday, Israel moves

Uriah P. Levy

Uriah P. Levy, "an American, a sailor, and a Jew," had non-violent way of teaching his sailors a lesson that changed many lives. $0.00$0.00Naval Commander Uriah P. Levy surveyed the deck of the U.S.S. Vandalia. To his left, a cabin boy scrubbed the floor. Around his neck hung a wooden collar with the word "Thief" boldly scribbled on it. Further along the slippery deck, a mess-hand wore on his back a wooden plaque shaped like a bottle. On it was stenciled, "A Drunkard's Punishment."

Two Sides of the Story

This story will help your students to realize that  our understanding of what is true requires consideringall perspectives before drawing a conclusion.In the accompanying lesson,students will evaluate a situation from various perspectives to learn the valueof judging favorably and recognizing that the truth in a situation is not alwaysimmediately obvious.   . $0.00$0.00  One Side of the Story As the band played, my cousin David teetered precariously on a synagogue chair lifted high above the happy, proud faces of his bar mitzvah guests. "Judge everyone favorably." Pirkei Avot 1:6 Lesson Summary:  Students will evaluate a situation from various perspectives to learn the value of dan l’khaf z’khut (judging favorably) and recognizing that the truth in a situation is not always immediately obvious. Printable Lesson:  4608lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Leah Larson: Editor-in-Chief

Inspire your students with the story of  Leah Larson, a young woman who published a magazine for Jewish girls when she was fourteen.  In the accompanying lesson, students will explore the values that guide their own lives as a basis for analyzing popular publications geared at their age group. $0.00$0.00  Leah Larson sits at the computer in her bedroom, checking her e-mail for new subscription orders, feedback from readers, and ad requests from companies. Later, she'll consult with her editorial board about article ideas, dream up a cover concept, and review an article about a Jewish girl from New Zealand. But before any of this is done, of course, Leah will have to complete her homework. "People should not say one thing with their mouths and something else with their hearts." Baba Metzia 49a Lesson Summary:  Students will explore the values that guide their own lives as a basis for analyzing popular publications geared at their age group. Printable Lesson:  4602lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  Official website for Yaldah Magazine:

The Poetry of Shabbat

Enjoy these poems, in which students capture the peace and beauty of Shabbat. $0.00$0.00  Come Down, Angel of Peace Come help us set up Shabbat. We will set out the Kiddush cup and candles. Tell God to gift us with remembrance of Shabbat. Help us set the tablecloth and light the candles. Come down, Angel of Peace. Come help us set up Shabbat. --Gabe Streisfeld Mi Khamokha As the Egyptians were coming near, All the Jews were overcome with fear.

Suzyn Waldman: Telling It Like It Is

This interview with Suzyn Waldman, the first woman color commentator in the MLB and the accompanying lesson will lead students to discuss the value of truth through a Jewish lens so that they understand how truth-telling and deceit allow society to function in different ways. $0.00$0.00  Suzyn Waldman knows the New York Yankees. She understands that pitcher Mike Mussina appreciates his pre-game routine. She realizes that shortstop Derek Jeter feels like a fool when he strikes out swinging wildly at a knuckleball. She recognizes when third baseman Alex Rodriguez gets away with a base-running mistake. Suzyn knows her stuff--and that's why people listen to her. "Cry out, do not restrain yourself: Raise your voice like a trumpet." Isaiah 58:1 Lesson Summary:  Students will experience first-hand the advantages of truth and the disadvantages of deceit and lying. Students will also study Jewish texts to discover just how fundamental truth is to Judaism and to keeping society functioning properly. Printable Lesson:  4604lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Questions Sheet Source Sheet

The Rabbi in Uniform

Military chaplain Rabbi Mitchell Ackerson helps bring the joy of Shabbat to groups of tired, homesick Marines fighting in Iraq. How can his experiences influence your own practices? What is the difference between rest and renewal, and how can striving for each enhance your Shabbat?The article is also available in Hebrew. $0.00$0.00One Friday evening, with the sun setting behind him, Rabbi Mitchell Ackerson leads an unusual Shabbat service. Most of his congregants have never attended religious services, but something more significant makes this service memorable. Rabbi Ackerson is the chaplain of the 220th Military Police Brigade stationed in Iraq, and his congregation--27 tired, homesick Marines--stands alongside the banks of the Euphrates River, where the ancient city of Babylon once stood "May it be Your will, our God, that there be no distress, grief, or lament on this day of our contentment." Grace After Meals Lesson Summary:  Students will articulate the difference between rest and renewal on Shabbat. Students will identify activities that make Shabbat a day of renewal. Printable Lesson:  4504lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Shavat va'yinafash cards Hebrew Article

The Ambassador Speaks

For a reality show on Israeli television, contestants were assigned difficult public relations missions defending their homeland. The winner speaks about the importance of standing up for Israel. The article can be taught with two possible lessons: one where students study the spies Moses sent into Israel and create a positive media blitz to counteract their reports, and another where they play a game about media bias and learn to become informed consumers of the news and to combat media bias against Israel. $0.00$0.00The students at Cambridge University in Britain glared menacingly at the visitors who had come to speak about Israel. Convinced that the Jewish state is occupying land rightfully belonging to Palestinians, the students were skeptical about hearing another point of view. But the visitors, among them Tzvika Deutsch, were determined to sway some opinions. Lesson Summary:  This lesson plan offers two alternatives for activities. In the first, students will study the negative portrayal presented by the spies sent by Moshe to report on conditions in the Land of Israel and then create their own positive media blitz about the Land using the information gleaned by the spies. In the second, students will play a game to learn about media bias and consider ways to become informed consumers of news and combat media bias against Israel. Printable Lesson:  4609lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Study Questions Source Sheet

Micah Golshirazian: The Little Leaguer Who Rested

Read about a Little Leage player who sat out part of his World Series game in honor of Shabbat. Reading this article with your students can be the introduction to a discussion on  how Shabbat is not only a special, holy time, but it is also an important time for rest and renewal. In the  lesson which accompanies the article students will create an interactive “machine” to explore ways they can sanctify Shabbat and make it more relaxing. $0.00$0.00Seventy-two hundred baseball fans at the U.S. Championships of the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, squirm on the edge of their seats as twilight fades and shadows lengthen on the field. Millions more watch the game on television, nervously eyeing the countdown clock in the corner of their screens as it ticks away the minutes and seconds until darkness. It's as if the entire sports world has turned to watch the sun complete its journey across the sky. You see, the countdown clock ticks away the minutes until Shabbat ends. "The nation that sanctifies the seventh day - they will all be satisfied and delighted in your goodness." Shabbat Amidah Lesson Summary:  Students will create a distinction between how they feel physically and mentally during the week and on Shabbat. Students will explore ways to help sanctify Shabbat and make it more relaxing. Printable Lesson:  4502lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Additional Resources:  Little League Online:

Capillary Action

This article takes a look at how candles burn. In this lesson, students experiment withcapillary action and explore Shabbat candles as a metaphor for spiritual experiences on Shabbat. $0.00$0.00LIGHTEN UP * Some candles are made from wax secreted by bees for their honeycombs. * In outer space, a candle flame burns in a dim, blue sphere instead of a bright, teardrop shape. * Americans spend $2 billion on candles each year. UP IN FLAMES Have you ever heard anyone squeal, "It's time to light the Shabbat wicks"? No. Candles get all the glory, wicks do all the work. "For a commandment is the lamp and the Torah is light." Proverbs 6:23 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students experiment with capillary action and explore Shabbat candles as a metaphor for spiritual experiences on Shabbat. Printable Lesson:  4507lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Penina Moise

Read about Penina Moise, the first Jew to publish a book of poetry in the United States. $0.00$0.00  The pages of Penina Moise's poems rustled as she carefully gathered them in her hands and prepared them for delivery to a publisher. "Fancy's Sketch Book." read the title page of the manuscript, "by Miss Penina Moise."

Camryn Manheim: A Shining Star

In this interview, actress Camryn Manheim discusses the role that Jewish values have played in developing her self-esteem and helping her realize the difference between inner and outer beauty. Reading the article with your students and doing the accompanying lesson  will help them to `1understand how being good people and doing good deeds makes us all more beautiful. $0.00$0.00  Blinding camera lights flashed as Jewish actress Camryn Manheim stepped out of the white stretch limo and strode down the red carpet into Los Angeles' Shrine Auditorium. After years of being told by acting professors that she needed to lose weight to succeed, the actress was nominated for an Emmy for her role as outspoken lawyer Ellenor Frutt on TV's "The Practice." "Do not look at the container, rather at what is inside of it." Pirkei Avot 4:27 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will write diamond poems to explore the concept of beauty and help them understand that being good people and doing good deeds make us all more beautiful. Printable Lesson:  3504lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Diamond Poem Worksheet Printable Photos

Top Eight Hanukkah Myths

View the Top Eight Hanukkah Myths and share some interesting facts about Hanukkah with your students. $0.00$0.00  1 We light a menorah on Hanukkah. No, silly; we light candles or oil! We use a hanukkiyah, which has nine braches. A menorah has seven branches. 2 The best place to put a hanukkiyah is on a windowsill. The ideal place to put a hanukkiyah is outside your front door, to the left of the entrance, but most people don't because it's impractical. The windowsill is the second best place. 3 It's best to light candles on Hanukkah.

Kfi Covel's Jewish Palette

Read about a young Jewish artist's inspiration. In the accompanying  lesson, your students will create micrographical works to connect beauty to Jewish values. $0.00$0.00  Hebrew rap music and Tehillim (Psalms) inspire Kfirah Covel, an 18-year-old artist whose nickname is "Kfi" (pronounced "Kiffy"). She often sits on her bed, leans against the headbord, rests an art board on her knees, and draws. "Art is an amazing way to express myself," she says, "and creating beautiful Jewish art makes me proud because Judaism is part of who I am." "This is my God, and I will glorify God!" Shemot 15:2 Lesson Summary:  In this lesson, students will create a work of micrography to help connect beauty to Jewish values. Printable Lesson:  3502lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet Template for art project Additional Resources:  “Folk Art” on Activities for Students Article in Hebrew

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