
Jeff Halpern

In this interview with Jeff Halpern, an NHL star, discusses his sense of satisfaction in his job, appreciation for his skill, gratitude to those who helped him develop himself and his talent, and recognition of his desire to work in his community. The accompanying lesson will help students explore similar themes and, through writing and acting, help them define their own sense of personal satisfaction. $0.00$0.00Considered the top defensive player on the Washington Capitals, Jeff Halpern works out all summer to Improve his strength and conditioning. His hard work and selfless attitude have earned him his teammates' respect. "When you eat the labor of your hands, happy will you be and all will be well with you." Psalms 128:2 Printable Lesson:  3203lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

It's a Girl Thing

Monthly meetings for girls though an organization called Rosh Hodesh: It's a Girl Thing lets teenagers talk about issues important to them. To learn more, read on! $0.00$0.00According to tradition, God gave Rosh Hodesh (the first day of each Hebrew month, which begins on the new moon) to women as a special holiday because they refused to help build the Golden Calf. Now, through an organization called Rosh Hodesh: It's a Girl Thing, groups of girls are meeting every month in Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, and Baltimore to celebrate together.

A Round-Up of New Beginnings

Ronna Simon As a child, Ronna Simon developed a love of the outdoors while at summer camp in Michigan. She has pursued that passion in her career. Ronna works as a water resource manager in the Lolo National Forest in Missoula, Montana. She also restores lands that have been damaged by human carelessness or natural causes. "My first Forest Service job was in a forest where ancient trees were being logged to make wood and paper. I watched my first tree come down and thought, 'That tree was standing before Columbus!' At that moment, I realized that I would have to balance different values in order to do my job." Visions Since 1997, Andra London, Talia Osteen, and Amy Turner, teenage friends from Orlando, Florida, have been singing inspirational Jewish songs at concerts across the U.S.A. Their music ranges from upbeat dance songs to acoustic pop and power ballads. "The first time we performed together in front of a large audience, my heart was beating rapidly in my chest and I was afraid people could tell I was nervous. Yet as soon as the music started and we began singing, everything was just right and it felt so natural. Seeing the smiles grow across everyone's faces while they listened to us sing and felt our music was amazing." (Talia) Bruce Feiler Bruce Feiler writes about interesting things he has done during his lifetime. He's written about being a clown in a circus and a teacher in Japan. His newest book, Walking the Bible, describes a two-year, 10,000-mile trek he made visiting the places mentioned in the Torah. "When I began this trip, I was sort of a know-it all. I remember meeting Avner, the archaeologist who came with me on the trip. I was wearing brand new Banana Republic clothes and hiking boots, and I had enough sun block for 40 years in the desert. Avner was wearing comfortable Bedouin trousers, worn sandals, and his hair was squiggling everywhere. That's when I realized that all my learning was in my head; all his in his feet." $0.00$0.00Three very different people tell us how their Jewish values have influenced their personal and professional lives.

Jake Repp: At the Starting Line Again

In the Jake Repp story, a young man deals with and overcomes obstacles. In this lesson, students will study about how faith in God can help them confront difficult times. $0.00$0.00Jake faced a terrible crisis and a moment of decision, but he started a new life and is helping others do the same. When he was sixteen years old, Jake Repp thought he had fractured his ankle during a basketball game. When he went to the doctor, he received devastating news that would change his life forever: Jake had a very rare form of cancer. If the doctors didn't amputate his leg below the knee, he would die. "Be bold as the leopard, swift as the eagle, swift as the deer, mighty as the lion, to perform God's will" Pirke Avot 5:23 Printable Lesson:  1201lesson.pdf Additional PDFs:  Source Sheet

Teach Israel

Experience Modern Israel

New from Behrman House. Fly to Israel without a plane ticket.

Discover Israel

Let's Discover Israel

Offer younger children an exciting and age-appropriate introduction to the Jewish homeland