> Grades K-2: Bible

 [Full Color]    [Family Education]
By Shirley Rose

 [cover] Classic Bible stories in an easy-to-use format. Each story is presented in its own 4-page folder, written with reverence and simplicity, and brought to life with full-color illustrations. Everything you need to teach 16 complete Bible lessons.

Set 1:
1. Creation
2. Adam and Eve
3. Noah
4. The Tower of Babel
5. Abraham and Sarah
6. Isaac and Rebecca
7. Jacob and Esau
8. Joseph and His Brothers
    Set 2:
9. Baby Moses
10. Let My People Go
11. Moses on the Mountain
12. Samson
13. Ruth and Naomi
14. David and Goliath
15. Solomon, the Wise King
16. Jonah and the Great Fish


Set 1
       Set 2

Order both sets of Let's Discover the Bible

Let's Discover the Bible
  • Grades K-2
  • 32 pages per set
  • 8½" x 11"
  • Full color
  • Fully illustrated
  • Includes activities
     [logo] Also take a look at....
  • Child's Bible I (Grades 3-4)
  • Child's Bible II (Grades 4-5)

  • Teacher's Edition
    Fully annotated with hands-on learning games, discussion questions, vocabulary words, and background information for the teacher. Identifies exercises suitable for beginning readers and explains how to complete the activities aloud for nonreaders. Includes "Learning at Home" worksheets to photocopy, so the whole family can participate.

    Family Education
    Families find these folders irresistible--the perfect tool for reading and discovering Bible stories together. "Learning at Home" activity sheets in the Teacher's Edition enable parents to participate in the child's learning and provide creative ways to explore the Torah lesson as a family.