> Grades 8-Adult: Jewish Practice

 [Family Education] IT'S A MITZVAH!
Step-by-Step to Jewish Living
By Bradley Shavit Artson


"This book can serve as a wonderful goal and stimulate many adult Jews to lead lives that will enrich themselves, the Jewish community, and the world.

Rabbi Joseph Telushkin
Author of Jewish Literacy
and Jewish Wisdom

An open door for all of us who want to deepen our Jewish commitment but don't know how or where to begin. From lighting Shabbat candles to spending a night in a homeless shelter, this guide to Jewish living presents simple steps to incorporate the rich tradition of Jewish values into everyday life.

Each chapter focuses on one mitzvah--both its traditional and contemporary significance--plus ways to put the mitzvah into practice. Addressing ritual-based and social-action mitzvot, this book offers a wealth of opportunities to grow Jewishly.


  1. Ahavat Tziyon: Zionism and Israel
  2. Bal Tash'hit: Preserving the Earth
  3. Bikkur Holim: Visiting the Sick
  4. Hakhnasat Orhim: Hospitality
  5. Kashrut: The Dietary Laws
  6. Kibbud Av va-Em: Honoring Parents
  7. Ma'akhil R'evim: Feeding the Hungry
  8. Pidyon Sh'vyim: Redeeming the Captives
  9. Rodef Shalom: Seeking Peace
  10. Shabbat: Day of Rest and Renewal
  11. Sh'mirat ha-Lashon: Guarding Your Tongue
  12. Talmud Torah: Study and Learning
  13. Tefillah: Prayer, Tallit, Tefillin, and Mezuzah
  14. Teshuvah: Repentance and Turning
  15. Tza'ar Ba'alei Hayyim: Compassion to Animals

Discovering ways to practice Judaism every day can change our lives. Here is the book to begin the journey.

Leader's Guide
A handy guide for using It's a Mitzvah! in a variety of educational settings: high school and adult education, family education programming, and Introduction to Judaism classes.