> Days of Wonder, Nights of Peace
Sample Activity


You and your child can finish the following sentences to create your own nighttime prayer. The idea banks are simply suggestions.

           Adonai, our God and God of all generations, God of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob, Rachel, and Leah, God of ___________________ (include the names of grandparents, siblings, and friends),

Bless our family, loved ones and all humanity with ___________________.

IDEA BANK: love, kindness, shalom (peace), freedom, goodness

Thank You, God, for filling this day with ___________________.

IDEA BANK: happiness, fun, sunshine, good weather, hope, friends

(Optional for when a loved one is ill:
May _______________ feel better and sleep peacefully tonight.)

Keep us safe throughout the night and make our dreams sweet.



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