Behrman House Blog

Re-energize your students

January is here! After a break from school, you may find it challenging to re-engage your students for the 2nd half of the school year. I found this great article that gives 10 practical ways to revitalize both yourself and your classroom. I enjoyed the article for the variety of tips—from eating a sandwich (better to teach on a full stomach) to learning beyond the walls (which can be interpreted literally or can mean incorporating technology into your class).

One idea to re-engage your students Jewishly is to have them participate in an activity called Bibliyoga. This spiritual medium combines biblical text study with Yoga. Watch this video to hear the creator of Bibliyoga, Marcus J. Freed, discuss how he came to the realization that yoga ties in with Judaism and demonstrate some poses. Why not try this technique with your class today?

What ways to you re-energize your class after a long break? Send me an email and your tips could be included on a future blog.



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