Behrman House Blog

Have Your Students Live A Double Life

Let your students explore the intrigue of living a double life by having them create their own avatar. Using this site, your students can create their own alter ego by customizing their avatar’s features, clothing, and background. Students can also add a voice to their avatar by recording their own commentary, or uploading text which the program will convert into audio.

Use the avatar as a way to get your students to complete their assignments. Here are a few ideas:

  • Have students give oral reports on a Jewish prophet or modern day Jewish heroes. This website gives information on many famous Jewish figures for students to pick from.
  • Choose a student (or avatar) each week to give a d’var torah. Students can watch a video on the parashah for inspiration.
  • Teaching modern Hebrew? Have students use their avatar to keep an online journal. They can record themselves practicing their Hebrew vocabulary.

Have you created avatars with your students? Send me an email telling me how you incorporated this technology into your class. It may appear in a future blog!



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Students can also add a voice to their avatar by recording their own commentary, or uploading text which the program will convert into audio. 4x4 puzzle cube Buy 4x4 puzzle