Behrman House Blog

#BlogElul 2013 Day 29, Return

And now we return to our regular programming . . .

Well this is it--the end of a month of reflection, introspection. It's time to 'return.' To what? Tonight I'll be returning to my congregation after some time away. Erev Rosh Hashanah services bring back all those who have been away for the summer, and bring out many who come for the High Holidays if not regularly during the rest of the year. It's good to be with everyone, to remember and feel that I am part of this larger community, of something larger than myself.

What have I learned in this month of (almost) daily posting? That it requires planning and preparation; that it spurs remembrance and hope; that I can accept my slip ups, change my daily routines, and ask others to help; that I can give myself this chance to reflect; that I can return refreshed.

Thank you Rabbi Phyllis Summer (@imabima) for your wisdom in leading this project. I have been inspired by all the other writings this month, and have discovered new sources, met (well at least virtually) new people with ideas that intrigue me.

To all, very best wishes for a sweet New Year.

Shana Tovah. 


