

The biggest earthworm ever found was discovered in South Africa, measuring a whopping 22 feet long. Over a million worms can live in one acre of land. A worm's head end is called its anterior. Its tail end is its posterior. If they are cut off, worms can grow new posteriors, but not new anteriors.


Worms have a bad rap. Because they're slimy we scream when we see them, but their slimy mucous helps improve the quality of the soil around them. That's because their slime contains nitrogen, an important nutrient for plants, and its stickiness helps hold pieces of soil together. Because worms eat dirt we say they're gross, but their diet of leaves, dead animals, and other wastes helps break down garbage. Worms' digestive systems break down all this matter, and turn the pile of garbage into rich and fertile soil for new seedlings to grow. Dead trees, leaves, animals, and food waste would just pile up without the help of worms. And because they live underground, we think worms are yucky. However, the tunnels that worms dig beneath the ground help plants get air down to their roots. When they dig their tunnels, worms are also mixing up the soil like a plow. These tiny creatures enrich the soil under our feet so that trees, plants, and flowers can grow strong and healthy. For all their hard work on behalf of plant life everywhere, they deserve a better reputation. Take a moment this Tu B'Shevat to recognize worms for what they really are—underground farmers!


Small and slimy as they are, we can learn a lot about ourselves from worms. They live hidden underground, all the while busy improving the soil. This teaches us the importance of keeping our good deeds private, even if sometimes it requires being “buried in the dirt.” We can learn valuable lessons by studying all of God’s creations. As it says, “God teaches us from the animals of the land, and from the birds of the heavens makes us wise” (Job 35:11). Some more examples: Ants can teach us honesty because they don’t steal from each other. Dogs can teach us loyalty because they are devoted to their owners. Every creature has a task to perform in this world, and one of our tasks is to notice these creatures and learn from them.