Torah Page 547
respect for animals

The animals of the world were not created in God's image, whereas we humans were created in God's image so that we could protect God's creations. Respecting animals is doing a mitzvah. --Sam Shaffer You can easily be a righteous person toward your animal by walking the animal, feeding it, showing love for it, or helping it when it is hurt or when it is in need. -- Dana Hopkins Righteous people place someone or something else before themselves. When you do this, you stop thinking about yourself and show the true morals that the Torah talks about. -- Sara Dunberg The mark of righteous people is that they treat their inferiors as well as they treat their superiors. Who is more inferior to a person than an animal? Treating animals right means considering their needs, even before our own. We should treat our animals as beings, not as possessions. Think about what it means to treat your animals well, and then treat humans better. -- Gabriella Spitzer Even from the beginning of creation, people have been chosen to take care of God's creations (animals). According to our tradition, Adam was told to name all of the animals. We have to pick up that responsibility and take care of the animals that God created and we named. -- Meital Haas