Torah Page 542

One of the things that I do to maintain hope while facing hard times is to always think positively. Instead of moping around and thinking of all the bad things, I think of the bright side. Also, I talk to one of my friends or parents. They always give me good advice. They help me see hope again. Emily Scharlach, 7th grade

I maintain hope when I'm sad by daydreaming. I think about someone I like or about being in a band, singing and playing guitar. I also like writing songs about how I feel and playing my guitar or blowing my trombone. Listening to music-metal, rock, or punk-calms me. Rebecca Knell, 7th grade

Hope is like a strong wish. If you have hope, you will see the bright side of things. You can make good out of the bad. Therefore the people around you will want to be around you. Feelings are contagious. Nothing can happen in the world if there is no hope. Rachel Walkover, 6th grade

It can make you hopeful when you're around people who support you. For example, in a sports game, it makes you more hopeful when you see your family and teammates rooting for you. Whenever I'm losing a game, I always look in the bleachers, and when I see everyone cheering, it makes me feel better. Keren Goldshlager, 7th grade

It's important to have hope, because it helps me say to myself, "I will do better next time." Daniel Parmet, 5th grade