Torah Page 541

To be holy means that you follow in God's footsteps. You have to be the best you can be. You have to go above your standard self. Miriam Cleeman, 5th grade God commanded the Jews to be holy, for holiness implies distinction. God wished for the Jewish people to stand out from other peoples, even if they were looked upon as different. It is this holiness, this acceptance of being different, that makes one Jewish. Sam Roth, 7th grade To be holy, you have to give a lot more thought to how you live and how you act toward others. We must always strive for holiness, because we are created in God's image. Sarah Stern, 6th grade God is holy and everything God does is holy. To be holy, we should try to do anything God does. Because God visited the sick, when we visit the sick, it is a mitzvah. At times, I visit people who are ill. Though the time I spend with them may not be the best time I can have, it is holy. When I return from the visits, I feel that I have separated myself from the average child. I feel holy. Matt Salant, 6th grade Some Biblical commentators think that "be holy" means "be separate" or "be distinctive." I think that those commentators mean that you should be a few steps ahead of everyone else on the "holiness ladder." There are a lot of things that make a holy person separate from everyone else. Keeping kosher or wearing a kippah are ways to make yourself distinctive. Dory Fox, 6th grade