Torah Page 539
Torah Page 539

When you do teshuvah, you feel like your heart is whole again. When I say something that I regret, I feel bad. The first thing I do is apologize. If that doesn't work, I try to make it right.

Jesse Goldfarb, 6th grade

Teshuvah means to ask for forgiveness and to return the favor of forgiveness. Teshuvah can help heal the world because if everyone forgave everyone else, the world would be in complete harmony.

Maddi Brody, 6th grade

When I realize that I hurt my brother or my sister, I try to say that I'm sorry. However, if I get into the same situation again, will I act the same again? Or will I remember and change and stop myself from redoing this action? Teshuvah means not doing the same thing again. Teshuvah is an ongoing thing.

Nicholas Biller, 7th grade

When I think of teshuvah, I think of Yom Kippur. Once a year people promise to change their ways for the coming year. How sad it is that just once a year we become aware of our actions and are sorry for things that we did. Imagine if everyone did this all year round, would there be any wars or hatred?

Elana Kloss, 7th grade

One time I was really mad because I had a lot of homework, and all my brother did was say hi to me, and I yelled at him. That night, I remembered what I learned in Hebrew School about teshuvah. The next day, I admitted my mistake and promised it wouldn't happen again.