They've Got Game!
They've Got Game!

In one swift movement, Dani Weiss tosses five metal cubes in the air, quickly slaps the ground with his palm, and reaches his palm upward, deftly catching the cubes before they crash to the floor. The 12-year-old, of Passaic, New Jersey, is a master at Hamesh Avanim (Five Stones), a popular game imported from Israel. Whether they're sabras or olim, Israeli kids unite to play this game, also referred to as Israeli Jacks. Here's how to play:


You'll need a set of hamesh avanim, also called kugalach. These are available in Jewish book and gift shops. In a pinch, you can substitute small sugar cubes.


If at any point a player drops or misses catching an ehven (stone) the player's turn ends and the next player begins his or her turn. On the next turn, the player resumes at the step where he or she stopped playing.

  1. Throw the five avanim on the floor. Pick up one and toss it. While it's in the air, quickly pick up another stone from the ground and catch the stone that you threw (palm upwards). Do this four times, each time picking up another ehven from the floor and tossing one ehven in the air.
  2. Repeat Step One, picking up two avanim at a time.
  3. Repeat Step One, picking up three avanim at a time, and then the last one by itself.
  4. With all five stones in your hand, toss one, put the other four on the floor and catch the one you tossed. Toss it again, pick up the four from the floor, and catch the one in the air.
  5. Repeat Step One. Once you have all five stones in your hand, throw them in the air, and catch as many as you can on the back of your hand (palm downward). If you catch four or five on the back of your hand, toss them upward and catch them in your palm.

If you caught only two or three, keep one in your hand and place the other one or two on the ground. Toss the one in your hand, and pick up the one or two stones that are on the ground, and catch the one in the air.

  1. Throw the five avanim on the floor. Toss one, pick up another from the floor, and catch the one in the air (palm upward). Then toss both that are in your hand, pick up one from the floor, and catch the two in the air. Repeat two more times, tossing three and then four. Once you have all five stones in your hand, toss them upward, hit the ground with your palm, and catch all five in your palm.