Teshuvah Wizard: A Technology of Teshuvah for the 21st Century
Teshuvah Wizard: A Technology of Teshuvah for the 21st Century


This users' manual introduces the amazing Teshuvah Wizard® and demonstrates step-by-step how to install it in your awareness. When you register this program with the Manufacturer, you'll receive a lifetime guarantee that the Teshuvah Wizard® will help you return to your better self.

Powerful New Features

The BABAGANEWZ Teshuvah Wizard®  is packed with exciting features. For example, a state-of-the-art search capability gives you an efficient way to examine your behavior with friends and family. In addition, the search engine seamlessly connects you to communications software (email, live chat, and video conferencing) that encourages you to apologize to those whom you've wronged. And finally, pop-up error messages and maintenance reminders make certain that the hard work of teshuvah is saved in your memory.

Chapter 1

The Mega-Search Engine

While preparing for the (Yamim Noraim, The Days of Awe), use the Search Engine of the Teshuvah Wizard®  to examine your previous actions and adopt behaviors that connect you more closely with friends, family, and God. HINT: Traditionally, teshuvah intensifies during the month of Elul (the Hebrew month preceding Tishrei and The Days of Awe). To avoid overloading your system, make the process of teshuvah a part of your daily life.

To launch a behavior search

1) Open the My Relationships folder and click on a relationship category: God, Parents, Siblings, Relatives, Friends, or Others.

2) Type a name into the search bar and press enter.

3) A list of questions appears in the window.

4) After reviewing your answers, click on the appropriate icons at the top of the screen to choose your teshuvah actions.

Chapter 2

The Teshuvah Wizard®  Communications Protocol

A protocol is a code or a set of rules that governs communication within a network. All parties in a network must agree to the protocol or they can't communicate with each other. The Manufacturer of the Teshuvah Wizard®  has established automatically the following communications protocol: "Yom Kippur atones for sins against God. Yom Kippur does not atone for sins against another human being until one has asked for forgiveness from the person offended."

To connect to your network and apologize

1) Open the My Relationships folder and click on a relationship category.

2) The Teshuvah Wizard® remembers all previous behavior searches in each relationship category.

3) Highlight a behavior search and click "Ask Forgiveness" on the task bar. The Reconciliation dialogue box appears.

4) Select an option that seems appropriate or one that you can adapt, and click Next.

Chapter 3

Saving Your Behavior Changes

The Control Panel in the Teshuvah Wizard®  provides two ways to keep you on the path toward becoming who you were meant to be: error messages that alert you when personal changes are needed, and maintenance reminders that guarantee steady progress in changing your life and protecting your from old habits.

To customize your error messages

1) Open the Control Panel folder and double click on Error Messages. The Error Message window appears.

2) Select the error messages that will remind you that it's time for teshuvah and then click OK.

To schedule routine maintenance

1) Click the Start button, point to Teshuvah Maintenance and double click. The Teshuvah Maintenance Schedule window appears.

Chapter 4

Restoring Your Default Configuration

If the process of teshuvah begins to overwhelm you or you suffer continuous setbacks along the way, don't worry; the Restore Default Configuration function of the Teshuvah Wizard® promises you a fresh start on Yom Kippur.