Technology Tuesdays: Narrated PowerPoints
Technology Tuesdays: Narrated PowerPoints

by Richard D. Solomon, PhD and Elaine C. Solomon

Tuesday February 12, 2013 / 2 Adar
The Technology: Narrated PowerPoints is a video presentation tool. Upload your PowerPoint® presentation to the site, record a narrative for each slide (audio or video), then share your enhanced presentation with students or colleagues. To enhance your PowerPoint presentation with video narration, you will need a webcam. To get started, create a free account at, then follow the steps as described in this tutorial.
In Your Classroom

Flip your classroom. Create narrated PowerPoint presentations that cover the material you would normally teach frontally in your classroom. Post the Knovio video/slideshow in your Behrman House Online Learning Center (OLC) classroom by copying and pasting the embed code. Your students can then watch your lesson on their own time and you will be notified when they do. This frees up valuable classroom time for more hands-on learning and doing.

Use it as assessment. After completing a unit of study, ask students to create their own narrated PowerPoint presentations demonstrating their knowledge of the subject area. For example, students might create a presentation about a particular book, mitzvah, or historical event, then share their work with you and their classmates in the OLC.