Sukkot Lingo: A Sukkah Game
Sukkot lingo

Play this game outside in the sukkah during a class break! Or, try it as a family activity with parents.

Goal: To make a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal “bingo” on your board by asking questions so that other players will say the words and phrases on your board.

Set-up: 5-12 players sit around a table with their lingo boards and chips to place on them. (Grapes or raisins might be an appropriate type of “chip” for the harvest holiday, Sukkot.) One teacher or moderator may be present also, to call on students for answers.


1. One player asks a question of the group to try to get someone to say an answer that is on his/her board. A sample question: “What is the yellow citrus fruit that is one of the four species?”

2. All other players (NOT the asker) may place chips on any words or phrases in the question, such as “yellow,” “citrus,” “fruit,” or “four species.”

3. Players raise their hands and are called on to answer.

4. When the correct answer, “etrog,” is said, all other players (NOT the answerer) can put a chip on that square. You may only place a chip when someone ELSE says the word.

5. The next player in the circle asks a new question, and the cycle continues.

6. The first player to have 5 chips on a row on their board says “Lingo!” and wins the game.