Shop Until You Drop...Not!

Hate to shop? Now you have a good excuse to stay home when your mom goes to the store! The day after Thanksgiving is Buy Nothing Day. On the busiest shopping day of the year, over one million people will stay home in order to bring attention to the consequences of buying more than we need. According to promoters of Buy Nothing Day, Americans consume far more than half of the Earth's resources and produce most of the toxic waste. "Our over-consumption" they point out, "is killing the planet." Rabbi Dan Polish of the Commission on Social Action told BABAGANEWZ that buying too much stuff is not only bad for the world, it's also bad for us personally. "In American society we put a lot of emphasis on what we have," he said. "But the Jewish tradition tells us that we should put more emphasis on the things we do, on who we are, and on what we can become."