Seder Game: Putting Pesach in Order
Seder Game: Putting Pesach in Order

This short classroom or model Seder activity is intended to encourage students to think about the vocabulary and sequence of events that make up the story of the Exodus from Egypt, and to get the whole group on their feet and working together.


Activity duration: Under 10 minutes


What you’ll need: a package of index cards


Preparation: Write each of the following words or phrases in large letters on an index card. There are 30 words and phrases below, but feel free to add additional cards with words of your own.


Mitzrayim; Pharaoh’s Daughter; Singing; Freedom; Waters Parted; Drawn from the Water; Saved a Slave; Bricks and Mortar; Blood and Frogs; Hard Labor; Slavery; Israelites; Snake; Boils and Hail; Locusts and Darkness; Lice, Wild Beasts, and Cattle Disease; Hard Heart; Let My People Go; Pharaoh; Angel of Death; Killing of the First-Born; Egyptian Army; Ran Away; Miriam; Passed Over; Aaron; Burning Bush; Moshe; Here I Am; Matzah


Leading the activity:

1)      Have the group stand in a line alongside an open area.

2)      Starting at one end of the line, ask each student to draw a card from the facedown pile, set the card on the floor, and say one or two sentences about a portion of the Exodus story where that vocabulary word or phrase comes up.

3)      Have the next student in line draw a card and put it on the floor before or after the previously-placed card, then say a little about the word or phrase. Keep handing out the cards one at a time, having each student place it in what they think is a good spot in the order of the Exodus story, and then explain the word or phrase on their card.

4)      Once all of the cards are down, ask if any of the students disagree with the order of any cards.

5)      Finally, ask one student to tell a brief version of the Exodus story using the words on the floor.


by Andy Neusner