Munching on Mount Sinai
Munching on Mount Sinai

Receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai was the greatest event in Jewish history. It's what formed us into a nation and what connects us to God forever. Serve this Mount Sinai cake to your friends and family for a delicious reminder of the awesome event. It's as easy as following these sweet and simple instructions.

You’ll need:
1 box of your favorite cake mix, any flavor
1-liter oven-safe bowl, such as Pyrex
1 cup green icing (or white icing with a few drops of food coloring added)
1/2 cup assorted jelly beans
1 cup whipped cream
1/2 cup red-colored sugar

        1. Set the dome cake on a serving platter so it looks like a mountain. This will be Mount Sinai.
        2. Frost the cake with green icing. This represents the greenery on the mountain. "There was grass around Mount Sinai" (Mishnah Berurah 494:10).
        3. Surround the base of the cake with assorted jelly beans. These represent all of the Jewish souls-living and not yet born-who witnessed the revelation at Mount Sinai. They stood at the foot of the mountain, as the Torah says, "Moshe brought the people forth from the camp toward God, and they stood at the bottom of the mountain" (Shemot 19:17).
        4. Set one jelly bean on the very top of the mountain. This represents Moshe who went up Mount Sinai alone. "God summoned Moshe to the top of the mountain, and Moshe ascended" (Shemot 19:20).
        5. Put a crown of whipped cream on the tip of the cake (covering the jelly bean). This represents the cloud that engulfed the mountain, as the Torah says, "There was thunder and lightning and a heavy cloud on the mountain" (Shemot 19:16).
        6. Sprinkle the red-colored sugar onto the cake (on top of the green icing). This represents the fire of God that descended onto the mountain just before God gave us the Torah. "All of Mount Sinai was smoking because God had descended upon it in the fire" (Shemot 19:18).
        7. Enjoy!
        1. Set the dome cake on a serving platter so it looks like a mountain. This will be Mount Sinai.
        2. Frost the cake with green icing. This represents the greenery on the mountain. "There was grass around Mount Sinai" (Mishnah Berurah 494:10).
        3. Surround the base of the cake with assorted jelly beans. These represent all of the Jewish souls-living and not yet born-who witnessed the revelation at Mount Sinai. They stood at the foot of the mountain, as the Torah says, "Moshe brought the people forth from the camp toward God, and they stood at the bottom of the mountain" (Shemot 19:17).
        4. Set one jelly bean on the very top of the mountain. This represents Moshe who went up Mount Sinai alone. "God summoned Moshe to the top of the mountain, and Moshe ascended" (Shemot 19:20).
        5. Put a crown of whipped cream on the tip of the cake (covering the jelly bean). This represents the cloud that engulfed the mountain, as the Torah says, "There was thunder and lightning and a heavy cloud on the mountain" (Shemot 19:16).
        6. Sprinkle the red-colored sugar onto the cake (on top of the green icing). This represents the fire of God that descended onto the mountain just before God gave us the Torah. "All of Mount Sinai was smoking because God had descended upon it in the fire" (Shemot 19:18).
        7. Enjoy!
        1. Set the dome cake on a serving platter so it looks like a mountain. This will be Mount Sinai.
        2. Frost the cake with green icing. This represents the greenery on the mountain. "There was grass around Mount Sinai" (Mishnah Berurah 494:10).
        3. Surround the base of the cake with assorted jelly beans. These represent all of the Jewish souls-living and not yet born-who witnessed the revelation at Mount Sinai. They stood at the foot of the mountain, as the Torah says, "Moshe brought the people forth from the camp toward God, and they stood at the bottom of the mountain" (Shemot 19:17).
        4. Set one jelly bean on the very top of the mountain. This represents Moshe who went up Mount Sinai alone. "God summoned Moshe to the top of the mountain, and Moshe ascended" (Shemot 19:20).
        5. Put a crown of whipped cream on the tip of the cake (covering the jelly bean). This represents the cloud that engulfed the mountain, as the Torah says, "There was thunder and lightning and a heavy cloud on the mountain" (Shemot 19:16).
        6. Sprinkle the red-colored sugar onto the cake (on top of the green icing). This represents the fire of God that descended onto the mountain just before God gave us the Torah. "All of Mount Sinai was smoking because God had descended upon it in the fire" (Shemot 19:18).
        7. Enjoy!
        1. Set the dome cake on a serving platter so it looks like a mountain. This will be Mount Sinai.
        2. Frost the cake with green icing. This represents the greenery on the mountain. "There was grass around Mount Sinai" (Mishnah Berurah 494:10).
        3. Surround the base of the cake with assorted jelly beans. These represent all of the Jewish souls-living and not yet born-who witnessed the revelation at Mount Sinai. They stood at the foot of the mountain, as the Torah says, "Moshe brought the people forth from the camp toward God, and they stood at the bottom of the mountain" (Shemot 19:17).
        4. Set one jelly bean on the very top of the mountain. This represents Moshe who went up Mount Sinai alone. "God summoned Moshe to the top of the mountain, and Moshe ascended" (Shemot 19:20).
        5. Put a crown of whipped cream on the tip of the cake (covering the jelly bean). This represents the cloud that engulfed the mountain, as the Torah says, "There was thunder and lightning and a heavy cloud on the mountain" (Shemot 19:16).
        6. Sprinkle the red-colored sugar onto the cake (on top of the green icing). This represents the fire of God that descended onto the mountain just before God gave us the Torah. "All of Mount Sinai was smoking because God had descended upon it in the fire" (Shemot 19:18).
        7. Enjoy!
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