Marissa Jaret Winokur: Don't Just Say It, Spray It!
Marissa Jaret Winokur: Don't Just Say It, Spray It!


At Broadway's Neil Simon Theater, the lights go down, the curtain goes up, and the audience sits mesmerized by Marissa Jaret Winokur, a short, plump woman with outrageous attire, enormous hair, and astonishing talent. In her Tony Award-winning lead role as Tracy Turnblad in Hairspray, Marissa belts out catchy lyrics and performs incredible choreographic feats, while showing that a big girl can achieve big dreams. "Don't hold me back," she aptly sings in her opening number, "cause today all my dreams will come true."

Now starring in the Fox sitcom "Stacked," this successful actress reminds everyone that talent comes in all shapes and sizes. As she proudly proclaimed at the Tony Awards ceremony in 2003, "If a 4-foot-11, chubby New York girl can be a leading lady in a Broadway show and win a Tony, then anything can happen!" We chatted with Marissa about the starring role that self-satisfaction plays in her life.

BABA: Hi, Marissa. How did you get into acting?

MARISSA: I always wanted to be an actress. I was the youngest of four kids, and to get attention, I was always singing and dancing.

BABA: Did you ever face resistance because you don't look like the typical Hollywood actress?

MARISSA: I've always been really lucky. I've never lost a job because I was too heavy, and other than Hairspray, my roles never had to do with weight. I would never do a role about a sad, pathetic fat girl.

BABA: Pirkei Avot 4:1 says, "Who is rich? The one who is satisfied with what he or she has." How has this saying played a role in your life?

MARISSA: I've always been happy with what I have. When I had no money, I was still happy. When Hairspray was successful, I felt the same way that I did before. I think that being satisfied has a lot to do with figuring out what you want to do in life, and then just doing it. It's really about embracing who you are. I considered myself an actress before I won the Tony, and before I came to Hollywood. I always knew I would do this.

BABA: How do you avoid the pitfalls of success, such as inflated ego, drug abuse, or excessive materialism?

MARISSA: I'm very careful with my money, I never drank, I never did drugs and never was tempted to. I was perfectly happy with my life the way it was. I got through the hard times of peer pressure. I've been very lucky.

BABA: Do you have a favorite Jewish memory?

MARISSA: I wasn't so observant growing up, but my fiance, Judah Meacham Miller, is as Jewish as they come. So I'll have a lot more Jewish memories now.

BABA: Thanks, Marissa, and happy Hanukkah!

Jewishful Thinking
Our sages created a mechanism to help us appreciate what we have: the berakhah (blessing). Recited on common and not-so-common occasions, these prayers recognize God’s role and offer thanks for specific events, sights, smells, sounds, and deeds. A variety of berakhot are listed below, each one corresponding to a movie title. Can you match them up? If you need help recognizing the blessings, see the hints at the bottom.

A. Awakenings 1. barukh dayan ha’emet
B. Beaches 2. birkat hahamah
C. Die Hard 3. sheinah me’eynai ut’numa me’afapay
D. The Dresser 4. zokher habrit v’ne’eman b’rito v’kayam b’ma’amaro
E. Medicine Man 5. zokef k’fufim
F. My Best Friend’s Wedding 6. malbish arumim
G. Operation Thunderbolt 7. matir asurim
H. Ransom 8. rofei holei amo Yisrael/rofei haholim
I. Rising Sun 9. sheva berakhot
J. Road trip 10. shekoho u’gvurato malei olam
K. Stand By Me 11. she’asa et hayam hagadol
L. Under the Rainbow 12. tefillat haderekh

1. This sad phrase, which means “Blessed is the true Judge,” is said when hearing that someone has passed away.
2. This rare blessing is recited once every 28 years to commemorate the creation of the sun. The last time this blessing was said was April 8, 2009.
3. From the morning service, this blessing expresses thanks for waking up.
4. We recite this blessing upon seeing a rainbow.
5. This blessing praises God for allowing us to stand straight.
6. This blessing expresses thanks for being clothed.
7. This blessing praises God for releasing captives.
8. From the amidah, this praises God’s ability to heal.
9. The seven blessings recited in honor of a wedding.
10. The blessing recited for thunder.
11. The blessing recited upon seeing the ocean.
12. We recite this blessing when traveling long distances.


Answers: A-3; B-11; C-1; D-6; E-8; F-9; G-10; H-7; I-2; J-12; K-5; L-4