Marisa Gobuty: A Slam Dunk for Israel
Marisa Gobuty: A Slam Dunk for Israel


Teenage basketball phenom Marisa Gobuty was in for a shock on her first day at the prestigious IMG Basketball Academy in Bradenton, Florida, in summer 2004. Expecting to participate in an all-girls camp, she was stunned to learn she was one of only two female players. Equally surprised were the 38 boys, many of whom pegged the 5'6" Israeli girl as little competition. But Marisa quickly proved them wrong, matching them shot for shot and pass for pass. Off the court, 17-year-old Marisa also corrects false impressions. She divides her time between the United States, where she plays for IMG, and Israel, where she plays for the junior Israeli national team and for the Segel Zahav, comprised of the country's top 20 young female players. While in the States, she takes time out from school and her grueling practice schedule to speak with Jewish kids about Israeli life. Her goal: to clear up misconceptions about Israel.

"I think that many Jewish kids see Israel in a negative light because of what they've heard from the media," explains Marisa. Some Americans are quick to judge Israel unfavorably rather than give the country the benefit of the doubt. Having firsthand knowledge of Israel, Marisa takes it upon herself to correct the misperceptions. She's spoken at Jewish schools from coast to coast-from the Hillel School of Tampa in Florida, to the San Diego Jewish Academy in California.

She's astounded by the questions she receives: "Are there bombs exploding outside your house? Do you ride a camel to school? Do you live in a tent?" As an unofficial ambassador for Eretz Yisrael, Marisa spreads the message that she loves living there. "Obviously, there are problems," she tells students, "but if you know where the bad areas are and you avoid them, there's no reason not to come and experience all the great things in Israel."

Born in Canada, Marisa moved to California when she was 2 years old. There she developed a passion for basketball, playing on the Encino Balboa Stars. "When I was in fourth grade, we won our championship, and I scored the winning shot. After that I was obsessed with the game." Marisa went on to play on the local all-star team.

Her stint on the all-stars was cut short when her family decided to move to Israel for the year. Marisa feared the end of her basketball career. But in Israel, Marisa found a new team, and soon she had two passions-basketball and Israel. "We fell in love with the country, and we never left," she says. Eight years later, her family still lives there.

Marisa shares her love for Israel with the students she meets, urging them to visit the Jewish homeland. "It's a beautiful country. It has so much to offer and so much to see, especially for someone who is Jewish."