Make 'Em Laugh: Riddle Me This
Riddle me this.

What's the fruitiest class?
Jewish history, because it's full of dates.

Why did the boy take an umbrella with him to the Megillah reading?
It was "purim" outside!

What's the blessing for chewing bubble gum in the sukkah?
Leishev bazooka!

When is a dog fully mature?
After it has a bark-mitzvah!

How do we know that baseball was on God's mind during the creation?
The Torah teaches, "In the big inning, God created the heaven and the earth."

What time of day was Adam born?
A little before Eve.

Why couldn't the animals on Noah's ark play cards during the 40 boring days of rain?
Because Noah was standing on the deck.

Who was the greatest actor in the Bible?
Samson. He brought down the house.

What did Queen Esther do when she burped?
She issued a royal pardon.

From what planet did the People of Israel originate?

How can you tell if a Shabbat candle is angry?
It flares up.

What's the best thing to put into hallah?
Your teeth.

Why do Jews answer a question with a question?
Why shouldn't Jews answer a question with a question?

Why did the hamantaschen go to the hospital?
It was feeling "crumby."