It's In the E-Cards
sending e-mail


Your heart raced with anticipation as soon as you saw the package waiting on the kitchen table. You quickly ripped off the "Happy Birthday" wrapping paper, revealing the CD you've been wanting. "Wow, that was cool of my aunt to remember," you thought. In the two weeks since then, you've listened to the CD countless times- almost as many times as you've heard your mom remind you to send your aunt a thank-you note. But you've been busy with schoolwork, activities, and friends, and haven't had a chance.

Saying thank you is an important way to show your appreciation; but writing thank-you notes can be an unwanted chore. Thirteen-year-old Dasi Fruchter, of Silver Spring, Maryland, has found a solution: e-cards. With a few clicks of the mouse, you can email a fun and flashy card that expresses your thanks. "E-cards are cheaper and cooler, and they take less time," says Dasi, a ninth-grader at the Melvin J.Berman Hebrew Academy in Rockville, Maryland.

Paper vs. Pixels

Is a virtual card as good as the real thing? Dasi prefers flashy e-cards to a static piece of paper. But her classmate 13-year-old Luna Franco of Silver Spring, Maryland, disagrees. Snail mail may be slower, but it beats email any day, she says. "I like mail cards better," says Luna. There's just something special about a card you can hold in your hand and post in your bedroom, she explains. "People save paper cards more than e-cards, which they just delete. Paper cards are more personal, and you can write more in the message."

The key to deciding whether to go with paper or pixels is knowing what your recipient would like. For example, if Bubbie isn't ready to go virtual, stick with pen and paper to show her you care.

An E-Card for All Occasions

Of course, e-cards aren't just for thank-you notes. You can find virtual cards for almost any occasion imaginable- everything from Tu B'Shevat to two-year anniversaries. Whatever the occasion, an e-card is a fun way to let special people know you're thinking about them.

"One time, for my brother's birthday, I sent him seven e-cards at once," says Dasi. Her big brother got the message that even though his little sister can get on his nerves, she really appreciates him. The best part of sending an e-card is putting a smile across the face of family and friends, says Dasi. "The cards have all types of humor," she notes. "Some are cheesy, and some are sarcastic."

How can you send e-cards? A great place to start is at You'll find e-cards for birthdays, thank-you notes, Hanukkah, and other Jewish holidays.

So, the next time you want to say "thanks," "Happy Birthday," or even "Hag Sameah" to someone who would appreciate an e-card, just turn on the computer, and get clicking.