Do You Treat People With Dignity?
Do You Treat People With Dignity?

1. Your elderly great-aunt loves to tell you stories. She often repeats the same story, again and again. When she visits, you: a. Excuse yourself and go out with a friend. b. Spend time with her and show interest in what she says. c. Stay for a while and then find something else to do. 2. When you're with your friends and you see the school janitor, what do you do? a. Say hello and continue talking to your friends. b. Pass by without saying hello because your friends take all your attention. c. Stop to ask how he is and encourage your friends to do the same. 3. In the school cafeteria, the attendant does not speak much English. When she serves lunch, you: a. Order food patiently and try to make conversation in simple English. b. Ask for your food politely and move on. c. Expect her to understand you, and get annoyed when you have to repeat yourself. 4. A.J. has some learning difficulties. At recess one day, A.J. approaches you to ask for help with an assignment. What do you say? a. "Sorry, this is my free time. I want to relax." b. "Show me what the problem is and I will be happy to help." c. "I don't think I can help you since I'm not that good at explaining things." 5. Your great-grandmother is in a nursing home. She doesn't recognize family members anymore. Your parent asks you to come along to the home. You: a. Know it will be difficult, but you go because it's the right thing to do. b. Refuse to go; your great-grandmother won't recognize you anyway. c. Say you really want to go, but can't since it will be too upsetting for you to see her this way. 6. There is a new student in your class who is from another country. Many of your classmates shun this student. You: a. Join the group avoiding the student who is different. b. Are friendly and polite to the new student. c. Go out of your way to make the student feel welcome. 7. For a class program, you serve lunch to the homeless. As you are serving, you: a. Try to get to know them, and talk about what you might have in common. b. Just do your required service. c. Try to make sure they get enough food and are satisfied.