Daniela Aharoni: Celebrity Host


She parties with Madonna and Whitney Houston, prays at the Kotel (Western Wall of the Temple in Jerusalem) with actress Fran Drescher, and visits the Dead Sea with "ER" actor Noah Wyle. As Israel's Los Angeles-based consul for tourism, Daniela Aharoni encourages Hollywooders to visit Israel--including some high-profile celebrities. Daniela and the Israel Ministry of Tourism help plan these celebrity trips and welcome the stars once they arrive in Israel. We caught up with Daniela and discovered that she's a shining star herself when it comes to making people feel at home in Israel.

BABA: Shalom, Daniela. What's your favorite part of the job?

DANIELA: My favorite part of the job is dealing with my favorite place in the world, which is Israel. I get to convince people to come to this incredible place. In my eyes, it's the most wonderful place on Earth. I especially hold warm feelings toward Jerusalem, where I was born and lived most of my life.

BABA: Celebrities are among those you've convinced to visit Israel. Who are some of the prominent guests Israel has hosted recently?

DANIELA: We had a visit from Madonna, who spoke about how safe she feels in Israel and how great it is to visit. We also hosted Whitney Houston. Arnold Schwarzenegger has been there twice recently, because he's involved in planning the new Tolerance Museum in Jerusalem. Actor Chris Noth [who will star in a movie with Hilary Duff this summer] visited Israel and was greeted by representatives from the Ministry of Tourism. Actor Christopher Reeve [who was paralyzed in a horseback-riding accident] also visited Israel before he passed away.

BABA: Why was Christopher Reeve visiting Israel?

DANIELA: We met with him before his trip to plan his visit, which included visits to many popular tourist sites, as well as meetings with people suffering from paralysis. While Reeve was in Israel, we had a special dinner honoring him and addressing the issue of how people who are incapacitated can travel and enjoy themselves comfortably.

BABA: It sounds like Israel opens its doors to all visitors, regardless of any disabilities.

DANIELA: Absolutely. At the Ministry of Tourism, we ensure that all the tourist sites that we've developed are handicap accessible. We want them to be fit for everyone to come and enjoy.

BABA: How does Israel help make its celebrity visitors feel at home?

DANIELA: We greet them at the airport and provide them with a car and a tour guide. The guide accompanies them everywhere, explaining where they are and what they're seeing. That way the celebrities feel like they have their own Israeli friend. We also host an event to welcome the celebrity to Israel. For example, we had a reception at the King David Hotel to honor Whitney Houston. The minister of tourism attended the event and gave her a gift to welcome her.

BABA: What's your most memorable moment in Israel with a celebrity?

DANIELA: I remember how emotional Fran Drescher [who starred in "The Nanny" and now appears in The WB's new "Living with Fran"] was when she visited the Kotel. She prayed, and then she put a note with a prayer in the wall and started crying. She also visited a kibbutz while she was in Israel. When she returned to the United States, she did an episode of "The Nanny" about life on a kibbutz.

BABA: What's your favorite place to take tourists in Israel?

DANIELA: Israel is so small that I like visitors to see all of it--from north to south. I would take them to the north to see the greenery and the water--sometimes we even have snow in the Hermon Mountains. In just about a four-hour drive south you can be in the Red Sea by Eilat. The corals there are amazing for snorkeling and scuba diving.

BABA: Do you have a favorite Biblical quote that inspires your work at the Ministry of Tourism?

DANIELA: V'ahavta l'reiakha kamokha (Vaykira 19:18) (love your neighbor as yourself). I think this is the basis of every relationship and every human behavior. You always have to think about how everything you do is going to affect others. That's something you have to keep in mind when you're welcoming guests--whether they're official guests of the state like Madonna or friends that you've invited to your Pesach Seder.

BABA: Thanks, Daniela. You've definitely made us feel welcome. Hag kasher v'sameah.