Baba Bloggin'
Israel pride

Google the word "blog" and you'll unearth 16 million results. Blogs are online diaries and the newest Internet craze. The best bloggers lure you to their web pages with colorful writing and captivating opinions. BABAGANEWZ asked eight Israelis to each write a blog entry about living in Israel. Keep reading to see the inviting web they spun for us. Niv's Blog September 15, 2003 Although Israel is a small country, there are many unique things about it. For example, the mentality in Israel is different from any other place. Despite the security and economic problems, people still try to be happy. They spend time together traveling throughout the country and learning about it. For me, that is very important. Yonatan's Blog September 1, 2003 Israel is sacred to the three main religious groups- Jews, Muslims, and Christians, so a lot of people in the world see Israel as a holy country Israel is special because it is the only country we, the Jewish people, have. We need to take care of Israel and make sure that it prospers for the next generations. Abby's Blog September 23, 2003 When I wake up in the morning and set foot out to school, I am surrounded by the beautiful Jerusalem view- a view that includes Jewish neighborhoods, Arab villages, and synagogues, churches, and mosques, which all stand tall alongside pine and olive trees upon mountains and hills. Although the security situation is far from 100 percent safe, the spirituality, the beauty, the warmth- these are all such strong qualities of this amazing country that was given to us by God. The public transportation system is great and it allows people of all ages to transport from place to place, in and out of the city. For a 14-year-old girl, I get around quite a lot! Ma'ayan's Blog August 24, 2003 I love living in Israel and knowing that I am contributing to the Jewish nation. I really appreciate the army in Israel. After kids become 18 years old, they rise up and defend their country, sometimes with their lives. Because of that, I think I will not leave Israel. Alon's Blog October 1, 2003 I'm thankful for being free. I'm thankful that I can be proud that I'm Jewish. I'm thankful that this country is full of historic sites in which people never dreamed of walking. I'm thankful that I'm living the dream of the Jews who survived the Holocaust. I'm thankful that I can be exposed to more than one culture. I can see the wonder of every culture in Israel. Adina's Blog September 21, 2003 There are many reasons why I like living in Israel, and one of them is because the country is so small that everywhere you go you have friends. The people are very friendly and they offer very warm hospitality. Roni & Racheli's Blog August 1, 2003 We live in the land that was promised to us- promised to our forefather Avraham. Ever since then we have fought for our land. Now, after 2,000 years, we have the opportunity and right to live here in Israel. We feel lucky and blessed. We can enjoy the delicious, plentiful kosher food, the exotic, fresh tasty fruits and vegetables grown here, the beautiful historic sites, especially praying at the Kotel. Most important, we are part of a Jewish community and Jewish country. We are proud of what our little country has accomplished in just 55 years. Autamo's Blog September 9, 2003 I feel that Israel is a very important home for me. When I say "home," I mean that there is no other place I could go as a Jew and be accepted as I am. Israel is a dream that I realized. All of my family dreamed about coming to the Land of Israel and seeing Jerusalem. But when I arrived in Israel from Ethiopia during Operation Solomon in 1991 and started a new life, there were difficulties with the language and how people received me. But with time, I acclimated and became the person I always wanted to be. Israel has many beautiful vistas and holy places, but the two things that are most important to me are democracy and the freedom of expression.